This is a Journal entry by GrandSamDonald

Another North / South Divide

Post 1


It is often noted that in England there is a discernable North / South divide.

Northerners are regarded as being less well off, a bit more brash and impatient. By contrast, southeners are seen as wealthier, friendlier and more refined / sophisticated in their social interactions.

Here in Italy, there is a similar divide, although it is the other way around. Northern Italians are most refined, well groomed, and altogether more professional when dealing with others. Southern Italians are scruffy, very laid back, brash, reckless on the roads, and rather ill-mannered.

At this time of year, southern Italy gets rather hot, so unfortunately many southerners have come up North. It is so easy to spot them, one can tell them apart from the locals in an instant. Why, I wonder, do these people not take pride in their appearance? Perhaps they cannot afford decent clothing, but that does not explain their obesity or their apparent inability to shave.

So do I prefer English northerners or Italian southeners.... hmmm that is a hard one. I shall have a think and get back to you.

Another North / South Divide

Post 2


Well I know you studied at St. Andrews so what do you think of us Scots then? I personally prefer living in Scotland to England but I do dislike the anti-UK, left wing feelings that goes around too many Scottish people.

But of course, in the north of Scotland there are still many Biblical Christians which is more than can be said for most parts of Great Britian (not N. Ireland of course).

Another North / South Divide

Post 3



Hmmm. . . I'm quite sure than English northerners and Italian southerners wouldn't give a monkey's about which of them you prefer. Though it does leave me wondering why God would choose such an arrogant and bigotted hypocrite to spend all eternity with, unless He is one too.

Interesting how you judge people solely on their dress sense and shaving skills.


Another North / South Divide

Post 4

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

oooooh!!! I'm a Northener!! does that mean He doesn't like me either?

Another North / South Divide

Post 5

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

That's okay, VV, ... I like you. smiley - smiley Mind you, I am just a crude colonial and all of that, but the God I grew up with seemed quite accepting of everyone. Reguardless of caste, nationality or opinions.

Another North / South Divide

Post 6


Dunno - are you well-shaven, Vicki? Meanwhile, since you are a despicable 'nominal' Christian you are obviously headed for the old Fire Lake anyhow, so tough beans for you. smiley - winkeye


Another North / South Divide

Post 7

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Looking about, I'd say you, me and she will be in pretty fine company then, eh?

I'll bring the burgers ...

Another North / South Divide

Post 8


Ah so you are a Scotsman Good News!

I get on very well with most Scots. They are generally very friendly, if a bit hot-headed at times!

I was attacked whilst preaching on Argyle Street in Glasgow a few weeks ago, but generally you're not a bad lot!

smiley - winkeye

Another North / South Divide

Post 9


How exactly were you 'attacked'?


Another North / South Divide

Post 10


Another question is - what exactly do you preach, and why?

Seems to me that if we all have to be randomly chosen by God then what is the point of preaching?


Another North / South Divide

Post 11


I was shoved by one 'hippy' type and spat on and then punched by a young football thug in a Celtic top. He was promptly arrested by a nearby policeman and has been cautioned by the police. No doubt he has done much worse to many others.

We are not randomly chosen by God. God selects according to His divine will. I preach the Gospel because He tells me to do so.

Another North / South Divide

Post 12



To be honest, that sounds quite random to me. Why do you think *you* were chosen?


So, God talks to you? Or are you once again saying you read something about preaching in the Bible and assumed God was talking about you?

Apparently God talks to George W Bush. George says he hears his master's voice and follows His instructions. Would you say that GWB is a true Christian?

Meanwhile, you must have been saying some rather insulting stuff in order for a Celtic fan to punch you. We had thousands of Celtic fans visit Seville during the Uefa Cup Final a couple of years ago and a more polite and charming group of people you couldn't wish to meet.

'Hippy' type? You mean, not shaved properly (to your standards)?


Another North / South Divide

Post 13

Noggin the Nog


And the difference is?


Another North / South Divide

Post 14



*I* would say that explains quite a lot!smiley - laugh

Another North / South Divide

Post 15


Goodness Sam, you really are a cluless toff aren't you...

"It is often noted that in England there is a discernable North / South divide.

Northerners are regarded as being less well off"

However have an appreciably higher standard of living, greater disposable income because it's cheaper to live up here...

"a bit more brash and impatient"

Hardly, I find it's southerners that are far far ruder.

"By contrast, southeners are seen as wealthier, friendlier and more refined / sophisticated in their social interactions."

What arrogant pomposity that couldn't be further from the truth

Sam, you're a stuck up snob. Pride is a sin you know

Another North / South Divide

Post 16


I think GWB probably is a genuine Christian, although I was less than impressed when he referred to the late pope as 'his holiness'. As such, I have not quite made up my mind as to his state before the Lord.

I have told you before that God speaks to me, not only through scripture but also through his Holy Spirit. These are things that an unsaved man, like yourself, can never understand.

Another North / South Divide

Post 17



Um, I'm not a man. But I am very curious about how God speaks to you. You say through his Holy Spirit. How do you make that connection? Through prayer and meditation?


Another North / South Divide

Post 18



Another curious statement. How exactly do *you* decide if someone is a true Christian or not? Is it actually up to *you* to decide this?

Do you consider Good News to be a true Christian? If so, how do you know this?

Meanwhile, no doubt GWB referred to the Pope as 'his holiness' out of political protocol. I'd bet he hates Ratzinger as much as you do.


Another North / South Divide

Post 19


'Seems to me that if we all have to be randomly chosen by God then what is the point of preaching?'

God ordains the means and the ends. While He may have ordained the people wh will find salvation, He has also ordained how they will find it:

'How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!' Romans 10:14-15

Another North / South Divide

Post 20


'Meanwhile, you must have been saying some rather insulting stuff in order for a Celtic fan to punch you. We had thousands of Celtic fans visit Seville during the Uefa Cup Final a couple of years ago and a more polite and charming group of people you couldn't wish to meet.'

What planet are you living on?! Celtic fans? Polite and charming! Pray tell, are those the people who booed and jeered when an old woman died?

And don't kid yourself. Some of these celtic fans are plain thugs who will beat anybody up for any reason. Rangers are the same of course...

Polite and charming! I've heard everything now.

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