This is a Journal entry by GrandSamDonald


Post 1


Father is going to London to attend to some business. I think I may accompany him. It's either that or go boating on the Thames with my grandpa, who is, quite frankly, a pain in the b***side at the best of times.


Post 2

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

This post has been removed.


Post 3

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

Apparently we aren't allowed to recommend KY Jelly.


Post 4




Post 5


Sam loses the plot...


Post 6

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

All I did was suggest a way of avoiding back-side pains. You try to be helpful and all you get is abuse.

Sorry. The word 'abuse' just slipped out there.

How is Uncle Peter, by the way?


Post 7


You implied I and / or my grandfather were homosexuals. That is a disgusting personal slur.

Your responses on this website just reinforces my own conviction that evolutionists have no morals.

Do you know that there is a place called Hell where all sinners go when they die? Do you know that it is bulging at the seems with people who have spent their lives mocking God and the Bible? Unless you repent and are born again, you will pay a very heavy price for your attacks upon the Lord God and his faithful servants.


Post 8

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"Your responses on this website just reinforces my own conviction that evolutionists have no morals."

Another estimate on the lines of your 20% of scientists one? I guess so.


Post 9

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"my grandpa, who is, quite frankly, a pain in the b***side at the best of times."

Does he know you feel about him this way, or is this something that you'd rather keep from him but share with every other user of the internet?


Post 10

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"you will pay a very heavy price for your attacks upon the Lord God and his faithful servants."

I'm not aware I've made any such attacks. I reserve my efforts for you and your ilk.


Post 11


I am the Lord's servant because I believe his word, which is contained in the Bible. So by promoting a false theory of evolution, you are attacking God, accusing him of stating falsehoods; and / or attacking his disciples (the authors of the Bible, and young earth creationists who believe it).


Post 12


According to you, since we're all going to hell for being unsaved anyway, it doesn't matter what else we do. We can be as blasphemous as we like, and it won't make any difference. We can insult you, too.


Post 13

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

I can't help your delusions, Sam. I stand by what I said.


Post 14

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"You implied I and / or my grandfather were homosexuals. That is a disgusting personal slur."

Being straight is going to be a major handicap in later life if you want to be a Tory MP.


Post 15


You'll find far more sodomites in Labour / Liberal ranks. Remember old Ron Brown on Clapham common??!!??!!??!!


Post 16


I remember Stephen Milligan.

And Michael Portillo.

And Matthew Parris.

Do you?

Also, just out of curiosity, how do you feel, as a Christian, being a member and follower of a political party of which both the leader and deputy leader are Jews?



Post 17

The Cybercontroller from Telos

smiley - erm Obviously there must not be anything in the bible about honouring your grandfather and grandmother. I wonder since you claim that you never lie (though your returning to the science boards when you say that you never return disproves that), you do tell your gransfather that you believe that he is a pain in the backside?


Post 18

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"You'll find far more sodomites in Labour / Liberal ranks."

Possibly. But I think you'll find your politics more at home with those that have Tory part membership, don't you?


Post 19

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

I missed that; he's not dealt with that point yet, has he?


Post 20

The Cybercontroller from Telos

He probably won't tell any of his family. I wonder if he is scared that his parents will use the part of the bible which says that they have the right to stone their disrespectful child?

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