This is a Journal entry by Thorn

As Finals week approaches:

Post 21


Oh right I'd mentioned that. Did I mention she's also very smart? smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

As Finals week approaches:

Post 22

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - puff I'm done with uni.

And thorn, you should probably read the last 2 announcements of the h2g2 Editors. smiley - winkeye

As Finals week approaches:

Post 23


New host?

smiley - footinmouth So of course tav, dmitri naturally hello familiar despair... father is trying to come up with good reasons to forbid me to see her again. smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

As Finals week approaches:

Post 24


Oh, congratulations by the way. smiley - applause

As Finals week approaches:

Post 25

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Well, yes, maybe you can call it host.

smiley - ermsmiley - cheerup Oh dear, why?

smiley - biggrin thank you smiley - bubbly

As Finals week approaches:

Post 26

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - goodluck

As Finals week approaches:

Post 27


Irrelevant now. She had to quit the tutoring gig to take up a teaching position at a larger university in a different city. Came over one last time to have tea and say goodbye and to get to meet my parents and now is not returning calls or text so, moving on...

There back to reality as I know it.

As Finals week approaches:

Post 28


I think on a certain level because she was very pretty. smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh
but also because it is science and I enjoy science.

As Finals week approaches:

Post 29

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - cheerup More smiley - fish in the sea, and all that.

As Finals week approaches:

Post 30


yeah more people to get scared away by my parents or me acting like a weirdo...

As Finals week approaches:

Post 31


She was a weird one. Said not to stay in touch as my emails tended to annoy her but that I could nag her about I forget what it was as the date got closer and eventually she'd manage to get back to me on it and that she really would like to see me again though at the science convention. So like an idiot I emailed the rest of what I wanted to say to her because she had to leave too quickly after dad hogged her for most of the time she was here then texted a few questions and compliments and got annoyed now... and said something snarky back to her. I probably won't hear from her again. That was tuesday she came over. After wednesday I tried to stop talking to her and failed today.

She sort of told me to and not to contact her at the same time and had a saucy expression on her face like she may have been teasing but I think she wasn't. Mixed signals... smiley - laughsmiley - sadfacesmiley - erm

Then again she is in the middle of moving and job training and all of that. I hate how I am stuck in condensed calculus though...

As Finals week approaches:

Post 32


smiley - laughsmiley - laugh Also she didn't really understand what my invention was and tried to poo-poo the idea based on the wrong information but I didn't bother to try and correct her.

As Finals week approaches:

Post 33


I'd say being a bachelor is fun in that you get to play the field but... there is no field! smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

As Finals week approaches:

Post 34

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Definitely a QotD.

As Finals week approaches:

Post 35


A what? Explain to me in an email please. smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - erm

As Finals week approaches:

Post 36


Also my invention will possibly solve the energy crisis. That is not boring! It isn't directly medical but it borrows from medical microbiology in growth techniques and basically will merge three disparate sciences... fairly well thought out.

As Finals week approaches:

Post 37


Oh Quote of the Day. That was mean of her to lead me on and tease me about not wanting to tell me about the new job and moving then at the very last second after meeting my parents to stand too close in the doorway while holding my arm like she wanted me to kiss her then breaking away, shaking her head and saying not to stay in touch that I annoyed her. smiley - ermsmiley - wah

As Finals week approaches:

Post 38


There's a cee lo green song I shall email you but can't post on the bbci. smiley - tongueout

As Finals week approaches:

Post 39


She wasn't the only one who got mad. My research professor did too. My father really has made an ass out of himself but I get in trouble instead because I'm supposed to not be having him meddle in these sorts of things...

As Finals week approaches:

Post 40

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This sounds confusing.

Tell me in an email, because if this invention is so important, you shouldn't discuss it on h2g2. smiley - shhh (I don't think our insurance will cover industrial espionage. smiley - winkeye)

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