This is a Journal entry by pathetical, formerly "madmaz- zaphodista, marshmallow minister, vegetarian and torturer (among other things)..."


Post 1

pathetical, formerly "madmaz- zaphodista, marshmallow minister, vegetarian and torturer (among other things)..."

Grr. I mean smiley - grr. I need to access computers! Not queue for hours. And I need to access them at 3am. Why can't I? It's not fair. OK, so I get 24hour access from the end of October, but what am I meant to do in the meantime? Anyway,

I've spent way too long on here recently making my page look pretty and not long enough writing actual entries. This will change. Soon. (Did I mention I wanted to be a procrastinator?)

Oh well, whatever. Nevermind.

I should go now. I don't know why.

Maria smiley - peacesignsmiley - love
smiley - sheep

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