This is a Journal entry by pathetical, formerly "madmaz- zaphodista, marshmallow minister, vegetarian and torturer (among other things)..."
Revision, revision, revision...
pathetical, formerly "madmaz- zaphodista, marshmallow minister, vegetarian and torturer (among other things)..." Started conversation May 5, 2001
It is now officially not long at all until my A-Level exams. Revision is definitely called for here- but its so hard when procrastinating can be so much fun. In my case its more like 'vision' that 'revision' anyway, since 'revision' would imply some kind of initial doing of work to fall back on. It's no good just sitting here, really, is it? I'd better go and think about considering the idea of possibly perhaps at some point maybe, if I have time and barring any unfortunate distractions, the application of student (namely myself) to such actions as I see as conducive to the potential eventual passing of said A-levels (i.e. Work). I should go. Now. Bye.
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Revision, revision, revision...
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