This is the Message Centre for Sean D Solle

As hot as my pants ...

Post 1


Thank heavens. The thunderstorm that my pressure-change induced headaches have been predicting over the last few days has arrived, bringing with it a welcome temperature plummet and a cool summer shower to enjoy from my secluded patio.

Watching the sky flit from black to white, feeling the rain course over me - this is what it's like to be alive! Only the yelps of confused car alarms snap me back to reality.

Earlier on in the evening, back at TDV Towers, our room was so unbearably hot we we had to take refuge in north-facing shade of the newly-vacated orange office to plan the next stage of the guide ...

A shot at my snaps...

Post 2


Jim's telling people to hassle you about making the edit boxes for user pages bigger. Something like the new-style forum edit box would be nice, with proper wrapping and lots of rows. It might be best if wrapping isn't compulsory, especially if people are putting fancy markup in that takes up more than eighty characters. Should we be saying this to you or Jim? Can you sneak us out the code for the blue fish? Cheers.

A shot at my snaps...

Post 3


Jim also refered me to you when I asked about upping the size of edit boxes, so here i am.smiley - smiley

A shot at my snaps...

Post 4


You don't want to believe everything you read on the internet ...

A shot at my snaps...

Post 5


Not even from you lot? I thought you were on our side. Nevermind. Incidentally, you couldn't sabotage Shim's blue fish filter while you're there?

A shot at my snaps...

Post 6


Don't think I'm not keeping my eye on you lot....

smiley - fish

A shot at my snaps...

Post 7


Is there nowhere where you don't look????? smiley - winkeye

A shot at my snaps...

Post 8


Okay. We'll distract you while someone else creeps up behind.
Someone mentioned something about a fly collection?
Just to check - the fish didn't originate as a subtle reference to the biblical ICTHUS acronym thing did it?
I'd hate to be unwittingly spreading the word.

A shot at my snaps...

Post 9


Well, seeing as I'm an orthodox Jew, the fish origin is most certainly not from that particularly ancient pun/acronym.

However, I hope to one day right a book about fish in Judaism.

One of the things I find particularly interesting is that during the Creation segment in Genesis, only 3 times is the word "create" used. Every other time, it's "let there be X" or something else indirect.

The only 3 times it uses the term "create" are

1) The absolute creation of the entire universe ex-nehilo (rather fundamental)
2) The creation of intelligent life in the image of God (rather monumental)
3) The creation of the sea creatures on the 5th day (ummmm....)

Never underestimate the importance of fish.

smiley - fish

A shot at my snaps...

Post 10


...especially when you're at the sushi bar. Mmmmm...sushi.

A shot at my snaps...

Post 11


I'll mention that to the bearded nutter that sometimes hangs around the library. He interprets "and God did so-and-so in six minutes flat" as "by way of God's will, various stuff evolved over millions of millennia" if you put certain scientific principles to him as an argument against what he shouts about. Maybe "let there be..." could be interpreted as "God went down the local Wickes and picked up half a hundredweight of pre-mixed firmament".
Maybe fish are the only thing that were truly created from scratch by God, Iahweh, Bob or whatever. Was MPFC's fish slapping dance a religious ritual whereby the wrath of God was visited upon people? Should the correct dialogue in Raiders of the Lost Ark have been "Fish. Why did it have to be fish?"? Is it no coincidence that Cap'n Birdseye has a big white beard? By the same thing, lobsters, squid, eels, plankton, echinoderms and some algae are all sacred animals. That's why starfish regrow when small children cut their legs off. Jaws should have been part of a seven-part trilogy signifying the seven plagues (or was it three?). I don't know. Anyway, cheers for the index thing. What are we going to discover the implementation of next?

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