This is a Journal entry by The Beast of the Number


Post 1

The Beast of the Number

I know there's a word for it - just can't think of it at the moment - for those *really* cool ideas & titles you have when you're in the loo/getting changed/tapdancing in the kitchen and have no way of writing it down on the instant, but then forget entirely by the time you've found a pen/stylus/chisel...


Post 2


ok so you work for mr A
so you get all the nice file names
I will have to now try and get a nice user number by lurking till pretty numbers come up
who knows in 20 years time the government may try and sell off "elite file registrations "
whi is that thing called tilda anyway ..still it saves so much typing !


Post 3


Hi Beast,

I do not know what it is called but I know I always get my best thoughts when I wake early in the morning and haven't the energy to get up and write them down. So what I do is repeat them and expand them, running them around and around in my head getting them in to line, and becoming organised. By the time I have woken properly and had my shower I can write them down. If I try and do it too early or before my shower I cant read what I have written and the thoughts have dissipated like smoke.

Bit I do live it when the words start to come tumbling into my head and fight for their correct position. The words know where they should be, It has very little to do with me. I am just the vehicle, the medium for them to enter the world and to come alive.

Hope to hear fron you soon



Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit trying to remember the word
"Even opening an empty text field has the same effect.

< A254288 > Forgetfulness

Something I mis in the entry is the fact it happens most often when you enter another space/ room/ page. The passing though the door seems to do the trick. Funny thing is you can sometimes reverse it by returning to previous place smiley - eureka and the idea is back on track. "

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