This is a Journal entry by Yael Smith

Strange bug

Post 1

Yael Smith

I haven't been on in a while...
I had one of those weird stomach bugs that last 24 hours, so from Tuesday evening until 7.30 this morning I could only cope with eating two pieces of chicken breat and a toffee. I do feel a bit slimmer, actually.smiley - tongueout Just the thought of eating made me feel bad and my stomach and head took turns at hurting, and sometimes even synchronised with eachother. Last night I put Maya to bed and went to sleep at around 8-8.30pm and woke up this morning feeling much better, and hungry. I suppose that's a good sign. We all seem to have one bug or another this month- Ryan's eyes are infected, Maya fills nappies from hell, I had the stomach bug and a persistant cold, and Michael had his foot ran over last night (yes, by a car).

Strange bug

Post 2


Ouch! Hope everyone's on the mend smiley - bruised
How is Mike's foot?

Strange bug

Post 3

Yael Smith

Sore, I think. Haven't talked to him yet today. Well, I did, but not about his foot(sie)smiley - biggrin
I'm sure he's fine. He's made of very sturdy stuff. How are you?

Strange bug

Post 4


I've been good. Trying to stay warm, mostly. It's been really cold this week. Despite my best efforts to stay in my office and mind my own business (and stay warm) people keep dragging me outside and making me cold.

Mike's lucky his foot wasn't broken anywhere! Cars are generally heavier than the average foot can bear.

Strange bug

Post 5

Yael Smith

Dragging you where, may I inquire?

I think he's exaggerated a bit by saying his foot was ran over, but I can only take his word for it...

Strange bug

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - cuddle 'feel a bit slimmer' smiley - wow wish I could say the same smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - cry

Strange bug

Post 7


Where? Well, I have keys, so people need me to open doors and gates and stuff. And I have to take out the trash which involves a walk down a drafty alley. smiley - brr

Should warm up nicely today, though. We might see the shy side of 40F smiley - wow

I don't feel any slimmer. Even though the scale in the workout room insists I've lost one pound this year. smiley - rolleyes

Strange bug

Post 8

Yael Smith

One pound?? Feel lucky, then. Since I stopped breastfeeding I haven't lost a single ounce... which swiftly brings me to the subject of the Breastfeeding entry- are we still on for that one?

Hi, 2legs!smiley - hug How are you? How's you dad?

Strange bug

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm fine, Dad is doing great now, prety much back to his old self smiley - yikessmiley - wah I'm starting to loose weight again soon, try and do the same as I did last time, lost about 2 to 2 and a half stone in a year, kept it all off as well afterwards for at least a year or more smiley - wow mind, managed to put on a few* pounds since, and quite* a few more over the christmas hols smiley - wah so back to trying to loose it again, and a bit more besides smiley - magicsmiley - grovelsmiley - wah

Strange bug

Post 10

Yael Smith

Why do we all eat so much over Christmas? It's not like turkey is very NICE, or tasty, even...smiley - erm

I'm going to see a dietician about my weight, but I think my main problem is lack of excercise. I hate working out, and other than trundling along with the pram, I avoid excercise as much as possible. I tell myself there's no room in the house and I know we don't have money for the gym, but the bottom line is- I'm not bothered enough.smiley - erm

Strange bug

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I never found exercise to be much help when I lost my weight; I exercised pretty much daily on an exercise bike, for about six months, and another six months at least three times a week on it, and it didn't help me shift any weight smiley - wah What did in the end was just reducing my portion size for meals, and cutting out/reducing a few specific things; I don't have milk that much to start with and I don't have it in tea/coffee, and never have had sugar in anything, but I cut out pretty much all together pies (I'm a lover of savory nibbles smiley - drool ) and then cut out totally cakes (hardly ever had em anyhow), and recued the frequency of having take away meals smiley - droolsmiley - wah Didn't find it too difficult as basically I was eating the same things, just a bit less of them; Unfortuantely I gradually increased the portion size after loosing the weight without noticing at first smiley - doh Though at least I've not put on anything like the two and a half stone I lost a few years back smiley - wow mayve put on half a stone since my lowest weight smiley - blushsmiley - ermsmiley - ale Exercise does seem to work for some people though, and I gues sit makes you fitter as well as the weight loss side of things smiley - erm

Strange bug

Post 12

Yael Smith

Well, I've been very tired recently, and I do get at least 6 hours sleep most nights, and usually get to have a bit of a nap once or twice a week. More worryingly, I've had chest pains, which I never had before, and all sorts of weird heart-related problem. As I don't smoke, or drink, I can't see any other reason for those.
I'm just over 5foot 8" and started off weighing 9 stone. By the time I had both my kids I am now weighing around 11 stone, probably more, and wear size 16-18. I don't like it at all, but as I said, I don't do much about it.smiley - erm

Strange bug

Post 13

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

i did habve my foot ran over by a merc driven by one of the big bosses no less.
and its fine i diddent break anything

Strange bug

Post 14

Yael Smith

Are you sure about that?smiley - evilgrin

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