This is a Journal entry by Yael Smith


Post 1

Yael Smith

I'm constantly tired and I haven't gone back to work yet. I don't know how I'm going to cope with work and house at the same time...smiley - erm
At least Michael is now working until 5pm, so he's home around 6.30pm and helps a bit.
Ideas on tiredness busting are welcome.


Post 2


Sleep. But that's too obvious, innit?

If you're literally tired *all* the time, and a "decent" amount of sleep (6-8 hours) isn't restoring you like it should, you really ought to talk to a doctor, as there may be something else going on.

smiley - hug


Post 3

Yael Smith

I'm doing some tests. Maybe it's Anaemia...smiley - yawn it's now 19:18 and I've been ready to go to bed since 16:00... I've been like this for the last few weeks. Maya does sleep through the night, but if I go to bed any later the 23:00 I usually crash completely and sleep like the dead.

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