This is a Journal entry by Yael Smith


Post 1

Yael Smith

My space, that has been the same for at least two years now, has been moderated. What on Earth for? Who knows?!
smiley - rolleyes
I'm still waiting for an explanation, a sign, the Hand of God...

Oh, and can someone tell me why football today is of more significance than it was last week? I don't get it.




Post 2

Lady Scott

smiley - huhI don't remember there being anything at all on your page that would even be considered remotely offensive. Granted, things are getting really weird since they introduced the filther, and there have been a lot of things moderated for no apparent reason... apparently by some "mad yikeser".

At least it says it's been referred instead of permanently removed. They're also supposed to send you an email about it if they decide to remove it permanently, smiley - erm although the way things have been going lately, they're not likely to even tell you what's wrong with it, only that you'd need to re-write it in order to have it reinstated.

I can't help you with the football query, we don't do that kind of football much in the US. They may run the world cup games on ESPN, but it's not nearly as popular here as it is elsewhere in the world.


Post 3

Yael Smith

I haven't received any email about my space, and it was there when I logged on last night.It disappeared in between postings.
No, I don't think there was anything on it that was moderable, but maybe it's just the Forces that Be, trying as hard as they can to bring researchers and site to their knees.
I'll see how it goes.


Post 4


oh no Ellysmiley - yikes apparently some combinations of letters cause the profanity filter to attack...there was a problem with the keepers page because of that.Trouble is no one has told us what they aresmiley - erm so you don't know what to put right
smiley - hug for Ellysmiley - cheerup


Post 5

Yael Smith

I just hope I won't need to rewrite the poxy thing. It's hard enough to type with a baby in one arm (sleeping, bless her...smiley - loveblush). I don't really have anything new to put in there, anyway...


Post 6

Lady Scott

It's back!

What I meant by "mad yikeser" is that there have been a lot of posts disappear for no apparent reason, then later they suddenly reappear. It would seem that there is someone going around yikesing things at random.

Apparently, the policy is now that as soon as a complaint has been made about a posting or entry (which would include U-spaces), it's automatically removed until a moderator has time to go over it and see if there's really anything there that could be considered offensive.

There seem to be *so* many things yikesed these days that there must be quite a backlog of things for the moderators to go through, since it's taking hours and hours for things that are ok to come back.


Post 7

Yael Smith

Someone must really dislike the mods...smiley - erm


Post 8

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Hi Ellie, the problem was your nickname, which contained a URL, which is against the House Rules. Unfortunately, someone alerted the Mods by complaining about your page, but the Moderators can't change nicknames that way, which was why it was referred to us.

Normally, we don't discuss individual Moderation onsite, but as there was no email to reply to I thought you might appreciate an explanation.


Post 9


Two houserules: * Please don't impersonate others. ... Please note that we do not allow URLs to be included in Nicknames. * Only include suitable URLs in your contributions. ... Please note that we do not allow links to external websites to be included in Nicknames. Of course, if you read the houserules to see which URLs you can post where, you'll take most notice of the second of these two rules, which indicates that internal URLs are fine (which they of course also should be!). Hey ho! "Elly- with a new baby. Give it a go:" - nasty! *rolls eyes* *waves to El*


Post 10

Yael Smith

Thanks, Jimster, though my yahoo address was on the bottom of the page, as it allways is.
And thanks, Ottoxsmiley - smooch
I'll never use URLs againg, internal or not.

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