This is a Journal entry by Witty Moniker

Maybe it's just me...

Post 1

Witty Moniker

but everytime I see this--> smiley - mod ,I think of this:

Maybe it's just me...

Post 2

marvthegrate LtG KEA

it reminds me of Vantage cigarettes myself.

Maybe it's just me...

Post 3

Witty Moniker

That, too, now that you mention it.

Dang! I didn't think anyone ever looked at my page. Now I'm going to have to update it. smiley - winkeye

Maybe it's just me...

Post 4

marvthegrate LtG KEA

The "Add to friends" feature is a good one for things like this Witty.

Maybe it's just me...

Post 5

Witty Moniker

Speaking of the 'friends' feature, maybe you can answer a question for me. When I look at your page, Titania's page and I think Munchkin's, there are 2 friends lists. The first one lists the people you have added to your page. Immediately following that is a list of people that have added you to their pages.

My page (and a couple of others I was checking) don't have that second list. Do you have any idea why that is? I can see that I am on your friends list when I look at your page, but that isn't indicated on my page since I have no second list.

Maybe it's just me...

Post 6


Excellent question. I've wondered about that. And some of them will welcome you by your name. How do they do that?

Maybe it's just me...

Post 7

Witty Moniker

I can answer your question, Hypatia. The customized welcome can be done with a new bit of GuideML. d'Elaphant has it at the top of his page.

I've seen a couple of newbies really a bit disturbed by it. "How did you know I would visit your page?" type reactions.

Maybe it's just me...

Post 8

Witty Moniker

Found it!

Inserting this on your page will return the viewer's nickname when they look at that page.

Maybe it's just me...

Post 9

marvthegrate LtG KEA

between the 'body' and 'guide' tags put in the tag


without the begining and trailing quotes

Maybe it's just me...

Post 10

Witty Moniker

Thank you, Marv. smiley - smooch

Maybe it's just me...

Post 11


I tried doing some of the guide ml stuff and I couldn't get it to work. I changed the little box where I was supposed to and wrote the codes for the pictures I wanted but when I saved it I had the code and not the pictures. I think I'm hopeless.

*wanders off hanging head in shame*

Maybe it's just me...

Post 12

Witty Moniker

Now, now, don't go wandering off over a little GuideML problem. smiley - cheerup

I think the errors you had are because of the way you tried to use smileys on your page. You can't use < zen > like you do in conversations. You have to use this format instead:

<SMILEY TYPE="zen"/>

Maybe it's just me...

Post 13


<SMILEY TYPE="ta"/> smiley - biggrin

Maybe it's just me...

Post 14

Witty Moniker

smiley - oksmiley - biggrin

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