This is a Journal entry by mesu-megami


Post 1


I am tired of being alone...I spend so much time alone. The only time I see people is at work. I come home and I hide behind this computer. Tonight I was supposed to be with friends. They were going to come over and help me out. Well of course they stood me up. Isn't that the usual deal with me? I get my hopes up and get hurt. It's that way in all aspects. All my friends are so far away I feel bad asking them to spend time with me. I can't drive. I cry too much and I hurt too much and Im too young to feel this bitter. I am too young to feel like my life is over...


Post 2

Not telling!

Humanoids are, hmmm... something appropriate... dumb at the least? Have faith that, perhaps becuse you are lonely, that something wonderful is on it's way to you. Settle for nothing less than the best... keep your chin up and have faith... us angels, uhhh... I mean... some one is looking out for you. smiley - smiley


Post 3


angels my's just a Stan and a Becky stirring up trouble in lala land..

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