This is a Journal entry by Flying Penguin


Post 1

Flying Penguin

If you ever get the chance, watch the 1978 pommy post-apocolyptic punk film Jubilee. It's technically quite bad, but there's quite a few golden quotes and moments.

Here in Sydney we have a theme park called Luna Park. I went there for the first time on Saturday night, and had a ball. It's not often you get to go out for dinner and a few drinks, then eye a view of Sydney Harbour whilst hanging upside down from a funride.


Post 2


Drinking while hanging upside down smiley - huh. Hopefully you didn't waste any good beer. smiley - yikes


Post 3

Flying Penguin

I think it would be even more difficult to eat dinner whilst hanging upside down. Very messy.

Luckily all the eating and drinking was completed before my feet left the ground.


Post 4


Oh good - I was wondering for a while there. smiley - laugh


Post 5


BTW, I'm too lazy to look it up. What time is it your place? Here it is 8.30.


Post 6

Flying Penguin

Hmmm.... If your post was four hours ago, then it would have been 18:30 here. We just moved to daylight saving time on the weekend, so we're now +11 GMT/UTC.


Post 7


smiley - ta Ten hours ahead of me that is. Thats usefull - and easy to remember. smiley - smiley

Shouldn't you be in bed by now smiley - huhsmiley - winkeye


Post 8

Flying Penguin

I was probably pretty close to bed by then. I'm in the middle of moving house. I don't have a car, so I'm moving the greater mass by bicycle and it's quite exhausting smiley - puff


Post 9


Hopefully you have no grand piano. smiley - biggrin

How come you are moving - and then moving to Estonia for a while? Or are you moving out, putting your things in store - and then going?

or, or....

And now it's close to midnight here...smiley - footprintssmiley - zzz


Post 10

Flying Penguin

This first move is because I was evicted. Nothing bad on my part, just the owner wants to move back in. So I'm moving in with a friend for the few weeks before I go.

"Moving" mostly involves selling things on ebay, giving things to friends and charities, and throwing things out. Only essentials and books are staying in my possession.

I had some fun smashing old plates today. It beats doing the dishes anyday smiley - smiley


Post 11


When our school has the annual party for pupils and parents the lower classes arrange some activities in their classrooms. Smashing old plates, cups and saucers with a ball is in secondplace to 'hit a teacher with a wet sponge' smiley - biggrin

Like an oldfashioned fair that is.

You're not working or studying? - are you taking time out to experience new people, surroundings, challenges...

It really could be fun if we succeed in arranging a meet-up in Estonia, and you could attend. smiley - boing.

Do you know that Riga is the centre of Europe? It amazed me when I read it somewhere, I checked and it is correct. That actually puts Denmark almost in the middle of everything. smiley - winkeye In Western Europe - when we still were divided - we've actually seen the area at the South-West German and French border as the center.

smiley - coffee tartaronne

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