This is a Journal entry by Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 1

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Tomorrow, the Fraulein Grafenberg and I meet Marv, the Archbishop, at the airport at noon. Wait, what am I saying! We meet Marv in about 12 hours. I don't know that I would say I'm nervous, but there is something about the safety (anonymity) of the cyberworld that I find comforting. And that wall will be breached. Will he think we're just freaks? Will he be disappointed that we aren't as witty in real life as we are here? Will we like him? Will it be a good thing all the way round? YIKES!!! So many questions. I have to say that I am, truly, looking forward to introducing him to Moose Drool, and life outside the Zion Curtain. It will be fun, no matter what...

(Part 2 to come)

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 2


I beg your pardon--I am even wittier in real life! Even Marv said so! Speak for yourself, birthday girl! smiley - nahnah

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 3

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Ack! Why is it that I am NOT?!?!?

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 4


Maybe because you're using the wrong hair gel/mouthwash/credit card/cheese?

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 5

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

That's it! I don't smoke those cigarettes that add wittiness! Alas, whatever shall I do?
I know, eat more stinky cheese!!!

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 6


i didnt meet marv of course, i just wanted to butt in and say hi

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 7

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Well, hi. Andrew popped into the Market the other day to say hellw. He's back from France and looking good. Seems he had a good time.

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 8


No wonder you never get any replies! This conversation is days old! Did you notice that?

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 9


Not Andrew the First Responder? He's a nut!

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 10

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Andrew, you know. Tall, longish hair, goofy grin?

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 11


I know Andrew. I've dealt with him (and I'll leave you to guess which sort of "dealt" I'm speaking of).

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 12

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I don't played a hand or two of go fish with him?

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 13


fraulein, you must not go into any more detail there about our friend

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 14


fraulein, you must not go into any more detail there about our friend

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 15


fraulein, you must not go into any more detail there about our friend

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 16


yes she played a hand or 2 of fish with him

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 17

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I see. And would that be a good thing or no?

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 18


Since 42 was extremely emphatic about refraining from discussing our travelling friend I will not reveal who beat whom in our last round of Old Maid.

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 19


smiley - cake for the fraulein

Meeting Marv (part 1)

Post 20


Too bad there's not a smiley - milk icon to go with that.

I have some chocolate cake in the fridge at home--thanks for reminding me!

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