This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony
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Clicking the pony
Yarreau Posted Mar 7, 2013
I don't see that much similarity anyway. He's still black, he's got a nose, and he's wearing four white gloves.
Clicking the pony
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Mar 8, 2013
Yes, you can train cats, but you have to live with them so that they feel there's some kind of reason for doing what you train them to do. My cats have learned that
1. clicking (one fingernail against another) means "It's ok to jump in my lap."
2. Hand held out with splayed fingers means "Don't even think about jumping in my lap."
3. A sort of hissing noise means, "Pssst! If you don't move from behind me I might run over your tail with the wheelchair. Nothing personal."
4. The subtle click made by my laser pointer means that a bright red dot has appeared somewhere on the carpet.
My cats also learned to eat their meals at particular places, and they go to those places to await their food dishes. Which beats getting their tails run over.
So, who asked to see a moonwalking pony?
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Clicking the pony
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