This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 41

Sho - employed again!

I can absorb accents and dialects and all that stuff - it's a side-effect of being an Army brat. Basically: camoflage.

But, I generally speak a sort of toned down BBC English from choice. No idea why that is (or it could have been spending my primary school years in Windsor, and the teenage years in a horribly posh boarding school)

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 42


You don't have a Yorkshire accent? Shame on you!

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 43

Sho - employed again!

I'm a missionary. Haven't lived in God's Own Country since I was a wee babby.

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 44

Sho - employed again!

I do put it on sometimes, though, in pubs and things when we're out and about up north. Especially if anyone has commented on the Sheffield Wednesday Owl tattoo...

Mostly, however, I had any traces of an accent kicked out of me early on as a kid. I learned very quickly that neutral was best, unless you really had to assimilate, then I had one accent for play and one accent for home.

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 45

Malabarista - now with added pony

Speaking of that, though - have you noticed any changes in your personality when you use different dialects? I've found I'm more outgoing in English smiley - bigeyes

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 46


sorry Mala I've not been around.I hope everything works out for yousmiley - hugsmiley - goodluck You have been through some times lately. Take care of your selfsmiley - ok

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 47


Oddly enough, I was thinking about that the other day, Mal. I think I say things in German it probably wouldn't even occur to me to say in English.

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 48

Sho - employed again!

Well, I'm a LOT more sarcastic in English. Probably I'm nicer in German, not sure though. You tell me?

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 49


Although...I suppose it's only natural for personality to change when speaking a language that calls nipples 'breast warts'. smiley - laugh

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 50

psychocandy-moderation team leader

smiley - rofl

I wish I spoke such a poetic language.

I just told K that, and he found it much more amusing than his previous favorite, "handschuhen".

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 51

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I do find myself seriously in want of a dark rum and some fresh fish'n'chips when the Newfanese strikes. smiley - biggrin

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 52

Sho - employed again!

My favourite German word used to be Schadenfreude.

Actually, it still is smiley - laugh

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 53

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh See, language forms thinking smiley - winkeye

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 54


And what about your Dutch persona? What's she like?

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 55

Malabarista - now with added pony

Mostly annoyed by my father, I don't speak much Dutch except to him smiley - winkeye

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 56


Ah. Exasperated, then. smiley - laugh

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 57

Sho - employed again!

phew! For a minute there I thought you were talking to me - since a lot of Germans think I speak German with a Dutch accent. But I don't.

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 58

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh People usually guess I'm from Finland no matter which language I'm speaking smiley - doh

But my Dutch sounds German simply because it's Haags - the vowels are a lot more German there than elsewhere.

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 59

Malabarista - now with added pony

Riiiight - the latest lab results are back. But they're only sending them to my GP, not to me ("to save postage" smiley - grr) and my GP is on holiday until the end of the week... smiley - groan

Hopefully the last journal...

Post 60


smiley - groan

I'm trying to find a bright side for you to look on - the best I can come up with is that, after all their time-wasting and procrastination, you can be sure it's nothing fatal, or you'd have died long ago! smiley - biggrin

Thinking twice about posting that. Hope you don't take it amiss. smiley - laughsmiley - hug

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