This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

I'm baaaaack...

Post 1

Malabarista - now with added pony

Went to bed a bit earlier than usual Wednesday evening - there was a big thunderstorm, thought it would be safer to turn the computer off...

Got up Thursday, turned on the computer, scanned and coloured my comic, decided I'd check my mail - internet connection wasn't working. Went to Uni, came back - still no internet. smiley - erm

So I went down to the provider's shop to complain. They said they'd do a line reset, and if that didn't work, I was to call the hotline to complain.

Called the hotline - they told me a technician would be by the next day between noon and four to do something about it.

Friday came and went - no technician. I called the hotline around five, they told me to wait a bit, maybe he'd still show up... smiley - steam

He didn't. Called the hotline again, they did another reset and told me if it didn't work, the technician would come by Saturday between ten and three.

Waited around all of Saturday morning. No technician. Went back to the shop to complain, they said it was my problem, not theirs, and gave me another appointment for Monday - between eight am and eight pm sometime! Had my laptop with me, checked my mail and hootoo briefly at a friend's.

By this point, my dreams were featuring the helpline hold music. smiley - headhurts And I've heard such a variety of dialects and accents now at their call centre, it seems they hire them for their lack of ability to speak High German! Five internetless days just when I really needed it do research various papers...

Today, phoned them again to ask when the technician would show up - couldn't spend 12 hours sitting here. They told me between one and three.

*Two* technicians finally showed up around six - only 74 hours late smiley - silly. They fixed the line - it had been scrambled by storm damage, it seems - and then reconnected my router, and it *still* wouldn't work. smiley - wah Seems the router - or rather, the modem inside the router - was fried, too.

Went down to the provider's shop again, they said they couldn't sell me the hardware without switching to a different, more expensive package. Went to the electronics store. They had routers, but not with modems. smiley - rolleyes Bought the router anyway, and they told me where to get a modem, the funny little computer pawn shop just up the road.

Went there, too - he didn't have any DSL modems, either, but at least he had a router *with* modem... The next generation of the model I had that was fried smiley - laugh Bought that, must return the other one tomorrow.

Came home, set it all up, configured it...

And no internet! smiley - wahsmiley - wah Turns out my firewall was blocking it, I had to reinstall that, too... smiley - puff

But I'm back smiley - zen Did anyone miss me? smiley - winkeye

I'm baaaaack...

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Miss you? smiley - erm I was in Hull, attending a meet, smiley - sorry
But I'm glad you're backsmiley - winkeye

Seems this Internet problem is catching...smiley - ill

smiley - yikes

smiley - run

I'm baaaaack...

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Looks like I picked the right weekend then, when it was quiet.

Oh, and the best bit: talk about hardware that does exactly what they want it to! The router broke Wednesday. The warranty expired the Monday before smiley - rofl

I'm baaaaack...

Post 4


smiley - rofl Sometimes I suspect that they are programmed this way.

I'm baaaaack...

Post 5

loonycat - run out of fizz

Yay! smiley - somersault

Yep, most things go kaput just as the warrantee runs out smiley - rolleyes

I'm baaaaack...

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wow saying which, our router, and the cable modem (neither of which have been turned off in about five years or so), seem to keep going endlessly without trubble smiley - weird It is the second cable modem since I came back in... err... 2001 or something, the first one blew up smiley - doh
We were all lonley whilst you were gone smiley - crysmiley - wah and I lost my nose... smiley - wahsmiley - evilgrin

I'm baaaaack...

Post 7

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

That same M$ patch and ZoneAlarm conjunction have bit a lot of folks lately.

I'm baaaaack...

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - doh you mean the problem could not be the router at all? smiley - huh

I'm baaaaack...

Post 9

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

As I've read it, there's every possibility. Several folks here have been on about total loss of the net after allowing an update and then the next start-up of the PC. ZoneAlarm has a fix, but most folks had to either roll-back the update, or uninstall ZoneAlarm to get on line to seek help.

I'm baaaaack...

Post 10


Hopefully that's not what it was. How sickening would that be?

I'm baaaaack...

Post 11

Malabarista - now with added pony


But I doubt it. I had no connectivity, that's different... I'll try the old router tomorrow, just in case.

Trouble is, I can only get store credit back where I bought the one I'm using now. smiley - laugh

I'm baaaaack...

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You shouldn't need zone alarm or any other software firewall if your using a router anyhows, most I think have a hardware firewall built in to the router, which is better than any software firewall smiley - weirdsmiley - geeksmiley - bigeyes

I'm baaaaack...

Post 13


>>> Did anyone miss me?

Dora smiley - cat did. I guess. She's up on my lap and trying to help type.

I'm baaaaack...

Post 14

Malabarista - now with added pony

How sweet. Missed by a cat smiley - laugh

The firewall is a relict of when I was living in a shared flat - they broke into my room often enough and tried to get into my computer through the shared network, too...

I'm baaaaack...

Post 15

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

My knowledge of "hardware" firewalls is that they are only so good as the known preventions on the day it was assembled. They don't keep up with the times and ways hackers use. And the few that I have played with, the user had to manually make a list of specifically who and what to block, by ISP numbers. Software, on the other hand, is much more adaptive to changes and circumstances, and a definite must for any portable system. But to each their own preferences ...

I'm baaaaack...

Post 16

Malabarista - now with added pony

I simply rely on my system not being terribly interesting. smiley - winkeye

I'm baaaaack...

Post 17

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I use a router, too, but don't rely on its firewall. It's six or seven years old.

But anyway, I'm glad you're back online. How frustrating.

ANd I can totally relate to things crapping out the minute the warranty has expired. That happens to everything electronic I own.

I'm baaaaack...

Post 18

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm sure you'll know what is best for you. smiley - ok

I'm baaaaack...

Post 19

Malabarista - now with added pony

Haven't dared to test the old router with ZoneAlarm disabled. I doubt that's it, but you never know smiley - laugh

I'm baaaaack...

Post 20

aka Bel - A87832164

Couldn't you just check your emails with the firewall disabled?

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