This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

Still alive...

Post 41


The grey squirrels are carrying a nasty virus that kills red squirrels.

Still alive...

Post 42

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That's awful. Where is this?

Still alive...

Post 43



Still alive...

Post 44

Malabarista - now with added pony

And now hopefully all better smiley - smiley

Today's the first day I've not had a headache, and there seem to be no more ill effects beside a tendency to sleep too much - so sure I'll be back to full smiley - boing very soon smiley - winkeye

Still alive...

Post 45


Hey Mala, how was your gig? Hope you go to bed early tonight if you're really that tired!

Still alive...

Post 46

Malabarista - now with added pony

It was ok, thanks smiley - smiley And I think I will call it an early night... smiley - yawn

Still alive...

Post 47


Sorry about that jerk giving you a hard time! smiley - cross

Still alive...

Post 48

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laughhe's a sad little man. I feel sorry for him. 30 years old, can grow a beard but can't grow up...smiley - laugh

Still alive...

Post 49


Is his beard as long as a red squirrel's tail? smiley - erm

Still alive...

Post 50

Malabarista - now with added pony

No, but it is as red smiley - winkeye

Still alive...

Post 51


I have to say that is an awesome tattoo you've got back there.
Who was Dimitri and what did he do (or is that the wrong question to ask?) smiley - erm

Please excuse us, squirrel bench, I'm not sure what's going on.
Are you hiding in B Potter's cupboard again? smiley - biggrin

Still alive...

Post 52


smiley - cross No!

I am NOT hiding in the Potter's cupboard. smiley - cross again
*stamps foot!*


Still alive...

Post 53

Malabarista - now with added pony

Tattoo? And what *did* Dmitri do? smiley - laugh

Still alive...

Post 54


Haven't you seen

Still alive...

Post 55

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, what about it? That's Elektra's PS, don't see what it has to do with tattoos smiley - laugh

Still alive...

Post 56


Well if you follow one of the links you WILL find a tattoo smiley - smiley
Interesting story, can't for the life of me see what it has to do with squirrels smiley - rofl

Still alive...

Post 57

Malabarista - now with added pony

Er, what? You confuse me smiley - laugh

Still alive...

Post 58


smiley - erm perhaps it was a greek squirrel smiley - huh

Still alive...

Post 59


Just as a matter of is it we arrived in your journal?
Perhaps that may solve the mystery of the missing squirrels, they all landed up in malabarista's journal smiley - snork

Did you leave it lying around somewhere?

Still alive...

Post 60



smiley - sorry mate --- didn't realize I was in your journal smiley - bigeyes

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