This is a Journal entry by dimples

I'm back

Post 1


Not that I think anyone had noticed I was gone, but I'm back. I saw the attacks on London and started thinking of all the people that I missed talking to, and reading about when I left the site a few years ago. My little brother died suddenly (well let me qualify little, he was 36 and very tall) and the world turned upside down. Then my dad was diagnosed with Parkinsons and the world continued to turn. He has recently died and the world turned and guess what??? I'm right back to the spot I was right before Glenn died. I guess the world turns you around all the way to the spot you used to be at.

Anyway.....I thought I'd check back in here, make sure everyone was safe, send some good karma and love over the sea, and hope to reconnect with the folks. I hope everyone is well.

I'm back

Post 2


Welcome back smiley - smiley

I don't think I have ever encountered you on hootoo -- not that I'm all that prolific/social here... smiley - erm

Sorry to hear about your family losses. smiley - rose Recently had a few myself

I agree, there's little point wallowing in depression.

Hootoo certainly seems to help me clarify things. I hope it does the same for you.

smiley - cheers

I'm back

Post 3


I have missed the global view that I get here. Being in the US, in Chicago, we have a very insulated view of the world. I agree this is a wonderful place for clarity, or at least an interesting place to have people tell you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get going!

I'm back

Post 4


hi's very late just a short posting.Welcome back to h2.We haven't chatted before,i've only been around here a couple of years myself,but if you feel like dropping in to my space and saying hello,you'll be more than welcome.There are lots of lovely people on my friends list,if you'd like to say helo to any of them.Just in case you wondered i'm in it's after 1.30!!smiley - yawn
take care.

I'm back

Post 5


Sorry to hear of your troubles. Here have a cup of tea smiley - tea

I'm back

Post 6


Thank you thank you! Cups of tea, massive amounts of cake and lots of hugs have gotten me through. Anxious to get back on track with the rest of life!

I'm back

Post 7


Well i think you need another smiley - tea as you've not been sent one for 6 days. Sorry to read of your troubles these last few years but good to see you here and on the limericks.

Spent some time a few years back in texas and the south and was amazed at the American view of 'world news'

Keep on postingsmiley - smiley

c x

I'm back

Post 8


Ah, thank you! Yes, one of the the things that posting here does for me is keeps me in check. We get very isolated here, which is easy to do. Its good to have a swift kick to the backside every so often. I have to admit sometimes when reading about how ugly us americans are I want to rush to the defense and get a little offended, however, after the initial bit of human nature, I can take what was said and see the sense in it, or at least see the perspective. I'm hoping it keeps me a bit more global minded, tolerant and understanding of how we all fit in together. Everyone needs to be taken down a peg or too occasionally to learn some humility.

I'm back

Post 9


Hi dimplessmiley - biggrin

Really I met the most wonderful people while I was over there and would dearly love to visit again one day. We were at a summer camp near Dallas and did a road trip all the way up to Buffalo. People were so kind and generous. It's a shame that as a whole you get such a bad press. As silly as thinking all the Brits talk like Dick van Dyke and can see big ben out of their back window smiley - laugh.

Must go saddle up tally ho! (smiley - winkeyeno not really!)

c x

I'm back

Post 10


Hi dimples.We have been to america four or five times ,and i've never had a wrong word to say about anyone that i've met there.They have al been lovely people,as are the friends i've made in h2.One friend that we made, through a site like this, drove to spend the weekend with us ,we were in florida,and she drove from georgia.It was wonderful to meet her,and we had a great weekend.

I'm back

Post 11


Its nice to know that there are people out there that realize the majority of americans are as horrified as the rest of the world over what our government can do. I love living here but I hate that there a policies that make us many enemys. I think it is important to meet people in venues such as this so that countries can be more of people, than policies. Put a human face on things. It is good to remind us that we are all just people. Its like a family, every family has their stinkers. Some just more than others. I like to think (unfortunately) of my current government as that eccentric southern boozing uncle that somehow fooled everyone into believing he knew a thing or too. Frightening!!

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