This is a Journal entry by Mobious

Prostitution and its Associated Problems

Post 1


Here is an imotive subject which annoys me, as some people may find it amusing some people might find it offensive and other people may use them. Where I live there is a major prostitution problem so with the help of a number residents we set up street watch to try and make the area safer for the residents. I have the problem of living on the end of a terrace so the girls come round the back with punters. So I end up having to go around the back to clear them out. The majority of them are drug users and although people say you should feel sorry for them, unless you live in such an area you can't fully appreciate what its like! I have been threatened but Im big enough and probably ugly enough to not be intimidated although I do worry each time i come back from work that the house might have been broken in to. Im moving house soon and I worry when I go the whole scheme will go to pot. The police do encourage us as we are a detterant not vigilanties.
What gets me is how on earth people can go with the girls when they are obviously very high on drugs. When you tell a girl to clear off the area they get very abusive. Believe it or not, but I actually support the idea of legalising it so there can be safe areas away from residential areas, but the girls turned it down themselves which was ridiculous. They like working in residential areas because of the security. However half the residents who are elderly dont feel safe in there own homes. Thats where we come in, helping people to feel safe but it shouldnt be our job to do it. We all work long hours and the lasy we want to do is to come out. Am the only one who thinks this? Would other people do the same? Let me know and save me from the insanity!

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Prostitution and its Associated Problems

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