This is a Journal entry by aGuyCalledPaff
Keep taking the tablets
aGuyCalledPaff Started conversation Jun 14, 2007
I've been on painkillers non-stop since the end of Feb when I did my back in:
The doc gave me some quite potent stuff at the start (although it made me go a bit looney)...
I got onto some fairly strong over-the-counter stuff quite quick (although it wasn't really doing much)...
I could drive by the time of the Devon meet (although it killed me, to be honest (I wasn't going to let on though))...
I could sit on a plane for an hour and a half by April (although I passed out two weeks in a row)...
I could sit down at work almost without noticing the pain by May (although getting up was another thing)...
I was experimenting with not taking them in the evenings by June (although some evenings were better than others)...
Today, I bought a pack of 32 bog standard paracetamol and I'm looking at them thinking 2 lots of 2, for 8 working days, none at the weekends, and I'll be off them in a week and a bit.
Looking forward to normality.
Keep taking the tablets
Wilma Neanderthal Posted Jun 14, 2007
Yipes. Sore backs are murder I was pretty much hooked on a particularly potent pain killer in my 20s thanks to an undiagnosed hip malformation (I had an accident as a child) - then I discovered my cranial osteopath and he made me slowly well again. Haven't taken anything stronger than the bog standard over the counter jobbie occasionally for over 15 years. (My head now ... that's a whole 'nother story
Glad you're on the mend, Paff.
Keep taking the tablets
Steve51 Posted Jun 14, 2007
Great news Paff. I detest taling any sort of medication, but with back pain like yours there is no choice....
Keep taking the tablets
aGuyCalledPaff Posted Jun 14, 2007
Thanks for the encouragement folks.
Tomorrow's trip home will be the first big test. 45mins in seat 11D. I might have to try a drink before the flight. Although, does alcohol bring your blood pressure down or put it up I wonder? I need all the blood pressure I can get on those pesky planes.
Keep taking the tablets
Steve51 Posted Jun 14, 2007
I don't know what alcohol before a flight does to the blood pressure, but I know it sure does help to overcome the fear of flying....
Keep taking the tablets
aGuyCalledPaff Posted Jun 26, 2007
Just looking at my last 2 tablets now.
*goes off, gets glass of water*
Drum roll please...
*drum roll, accompanied by sort of gargling swallowing type noises*
Right. That's that done. I may well be wanting more pills by tomorrow morning, but I ain't got any more, and I ain't buying any.
Here's to a chemical free life again.
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Keep taking the tablets
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