This is a Journal entry by aGuyCalledPaff
Creative streak
aGuyCalledPaff Started conversation Apr 19, 2007
Ooh. My creative streak might be back. I've been struggling to put pen to paper all year (except for a mad half hour back in Feb), but now - right now - I'm simultaneously:
writing up another F1 track for my uni project,
knocking out the opening para of an entry on GP2 for PR,
tweaking something I found lying around from 5 years ago that I might just pop into the AWW,
evolving more than just the beginnings of the sequel to 'The (other) day Princess Anne Survived' which will be fictional in part (and I've never written fiction before),
realising that there's nothing in the least bit wrong with a short poem I wrote 6 months ago and wondering if I can remember the sign-in details of my hootoo poetry writing alter-ego,
starting a bit of personal narrative that might go some way to explaining the mysterious deaths of a not insignificant number of rock musicians over the past 3 decades.
Problem is, I fear I might lose the plot, or just plain explode. [no, I didn't think there'd be one of those]
Should I just focus one of the above (and which one)? Or should I continue typing up a paragraph here, scribbling down a sentence there, saying stuff out loud everywhere...?
And will just stopping to write this cause it all to dry up and go horribly wrong?
Quick, post, no time to preview.
Creative streak
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Apr 19, 2007
by the way, you have (almost) as many projects on the go as me
Just while we contemplate world-domination?
Creative streak
Skankyrich [?] Posted Apr 19, 2007
I'd start at the bottom and work up, if I were you. If you get stuck, start at the top instead. And if that doesn't work, just write paragraphs on random subjects and attach them on the end of whichever one they seem least appropriate for. That's what I do, anyway.
I think you're missing a trick, though. We're crying out for an Entry on 'How to Put Up Storage Tents'.
Creative streak
aGuyCalledPaff Posted Apr 19, 2007
I get the impression though that you have a ton of things _actually_ on the go at the same time. With me it's just some kind of simultaneous multi-threaded bizarreness that can't last... fact, the sort of bizarreness that Rich is talking about...
I like the sound of the bottom-up/top-down approach thingy. There should be a name for a methodology like that. And we should get ISO9002 accreditation for it, or better still BS5750. And run training courses and charge lots of money, and rule the world... fact, wasn't GB talking about world domination...
Maybe I'll just go with the and
. Not sure where I'll get
at this time of night though.
Creative streak
Skankyrich [?] Posted Apr 19, 2007
I use a good approach with my big in-tray at work. I put everything important in it to deal with when I have time. Every few weeks, I sort through it and throw away everything that it's too late to do anything about. Then I have a coffee, flick through what's left, harrumph a couple of times for effect and then shove it all back in the in-tray again.
I feel absolutely fantastic afterwards. You should try it sometime.
Creative streak
I'm not really here Posted Apr 20, 2007
Blimey, that's my system exactly Skanky! Only I also remove things that I just don't feel so enthusiastic about anymore.
Creative streak
Skankyrich [?] Posted Apr 20, 2007
No, you should keep those as well until they expire. That way, it looks like you have more work, and are therefore more important
Creative streak
aGuyCalledPaff Posted May 1, 2007
>>and wondering if I can remember the sign-in details of my hootoo poetry writing alter-ego<<
Creative streak
I'm not really here Posted May 2, 2007
I have to admit to not being a liker of poetry I'm afraid.
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Creative streak
- 1: aGuyCalledPaff (Apr 19, 2007)
- 2: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Apr 19, 2007)
- 3: Skankyrich [?] (Apr 19, 2007)
- 4: aGuyCalledPaff (Apr 19, 2007)
- 5: Skankyrich [?] (Apr 19, 2007)
- 6: I'm not really here (Apr 20, 2007)
- 7: Skankyrich [?] (Apr 20, 2007)
- 8: I'm not really here (Apr 21, 2007)
- 9: aGuyCalledPaff (May 1, 2007)
- 10: I'm not really here (May 2, 2007)
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