This is a Journal entry by Chewfronta

Oops! Is gone I gone.

Post 1


I just finished trying to read about GuideML. The more I read, the more I just wanted to flee. I stopped being a programmer years ago, and never want to return. I can think of no entry I may wish to write in mere basic text. So I am out 'a here!

Y'all need an editor, such as Komposer or something similar, that inserts the XML code for the writer. I can conceive of myself as a writer, but not as a programmer.

Not all writers are programmers and not all programmers are writers.

So sorry to have bothered y'all. I wish y'all the greatest life possible.

Oops! Is gone I gone.

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I was a real technophobe when I joined h2g2. It took me about 2 years before I felt confident enough to even turn my Personal Space into GuideML and about the same time to write my first Guide Entry. It was hard work, but I'm glad I did! smiley - biggrin

The new Pliny is planned to make writing Entries easier and it's almost completed now. smiley - magic

OH! I am also known as the one who breaks buttons, you might find references to that from various sources smiley - blush

Welcome to h2g2!

lil xx

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