This is a Journal entry by a girl called Ben

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying...

Post 1

a girl called Ben

My hair is naturally what Joanna Lumley once described as 'english rat'. But I have been getting blonder and blonder with every visit to the hairdressers for a while. I had got as blonde as it was wise for me to go (ie, a darkish reddish blonde - none of your up-market ash blonde stuff).

In fact I was quite enjoying the colour, but I hate having roots.

I am also being careful with my cash just now - so no trips to the hairdressers for me. Off I go to Boots, and buy some dye...

...I suppose I will get used to being a dark brunette, with improbable aubergine highlights. smiley - erm

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying...

Post 2

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Hi Ben smiley - smiley

I was lurking through and ran across your sorrow. The color sounds charming..... c'mon. Cheer up. smiley - stiffdrink Wear a trampy dark red lipstick and play exotic panther-woman for a while. Mrrrrrrrroooooooooowwwww.

There are some lovely hat styles this season, if worst comes to worst. And after a couple of washings it'll probably fade some. Never know.... maybe it'll end up some unique shade of lavender. But probably no such luck. smiley - winkeye

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying...

Post 3

a girl called Ben

I got some really tacky pink faux snakeskin open toed mules today! smiley - cool

I cannot make up my mind between pink nail varnish and a deep dark purple. smiley - magic

How are you my dear? Haven't seen you for ages. Is that because I am working on this arbiter stuff, or is that because you have been off-line?

Take care


a tramp called Ben

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying...

Post 4


*jumps in totally uninvited*


I really do admire your postings on such contraversial issues like Lekx and moderation. I lurk a lot, and just at the point where i wish someone would say something sensible about something (but I don't have the wit, time or balls to) there you go, being reasonable and helpful again. So please, pat yourself onthe back. In time the PTB and the rules of the site will change for the better, in response to such reasonable argument. ( I think they want to too - moderation at h2g2 is in many ways much more lax than at the rest of the beeb)

And as for the nail varnish - guess which colour I would recommend?

a mysterious girl called purplejenny

smiley - smiley

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying...

Post 5

a girl called Ben

Hello Purplejenny, and welcome to my space,

I *did* admire your outfit at Mandagora's!

Guess what - I now have 10 lovely purple tootsies! smiley - magic

Thanks for your kind remarks. I sometimes feel a bit too gabby; I love the sound of my own keyboard, I guess. So it is kind of you to say that.

I think that the site will gradually dumb down and lose its uniquely hootooie feel as times change and we get more researchers, and as we succumb more and more to the beeb, and the memory of DNA's vision fades. But hey - everything changes, and it is fun to be part of it still.

Take care, purplejenny - we need more purple in this world!


a shrinking violet called Ben

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying...

Post 6

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

Hi Purplejenny smiley - smiley I'm MoGgy as well as Magnolia... but....shhhhh smiley - winkeye our little secret, right? smiley - laugh.

I've been busy with other things lately, Ben. Needed to give h2g2 a break for a little while, work on my garden, redecorate and clean the apartment smiley - grr (but sooooooo nice here now!). Also have just started volunteer work with Peace Research Foundation-- will be designing brochures, newsletters, pamphlets, programmes, tickets for the concerts... maybe even design a calendar once I figure out how to make my photoshop sing. Aaaaaaaack! smiley - yikes What have I gotten myself into??? It'll be a great way to learn the things I want to while building myself a little portfolio, though. ONE of these days I'm gonna escape the rigors of CHANEL. *sigh* It's a tough job, I know..... but... somebody's gotta do it.

The shoes sound divine! Happy feets! smiley - biggrin Do your toenails purple and the fingernails pink. You CAN have it all, my dear. This is a (mostly) new millenium. Options abounding all over the place. Catch 'em on the fly. And if the pink isn't raunchy enough, mix it with a little bit of the purple and see what happens. Could be stunning, and if not... well, that's what nail polish remover is for.

smiley - smiley


Post 7

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Well, do tell. What ever happened to the color? Have you gotten used to it yet? Or is it time to buy a turban?
smiley - smiley


Post 8

a girl called Ben

Hi MoG - good to see you! smiley - smoochsmiley - smooch (Just been to London and it is Kiss Kiss there one on each side)

The hair is still a shock, and it is still the wrong colour for my face - makes me look washed out and kinda gothic - there is more to this colouring lark than meets the eye.

But I can be Gothik, and I am more used to it than I was.

And hey - I'm on the inside looking out - I don't have to look at it! smiley - magic

a goth called Ben

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