This is a Journal entry by Lucid Insanity

Strange proposals

Post 1

Lucid Insanity

The other day I was confronted by a friend of a friend of a good friends late cousin. If that's not distant enough to be impersonal, I don't know what is. This person started a conversation with me by asking if I had a girlfriend. "No, not at all" Are you seeing anyone? "No, I'm not" Now he's got my attention and couriosity but I don't want to show it. "What would you think about this...." he countinued. Before I realised it I was being asked if I wanted to be a male prostitute for lonley house wives and young rich girls.............. "What is going on here, I don't know you, you don't know ME, this is not typical conversation." I thought. "Man, I don't know, I really don't think I could do that" I replied to his rather in depth job description and offer. I feel no remorse or regret for turning this person down, because it doesn't line up with my moral standing and values. But, now that I reflect....... most guys I know would have jumped at the opportunity. I am sharing this now with you and friends only because of the humor and obserdity I find in it. I just find it ironic how what some people wish would happen to them rarely does. On the other hand those wishes are given to people that refuse them and would have rather not have seen the option.

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Strange proposals

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