This is a Journal entry by Lucid Insanity

Meeting new people at gas stations.

Post 1

Lucid Insanity

A couple weeks ago I went into a gas station late at nite and the girl behind the counter yelp "Hey, I know you!" I was in my own world at the time and was quite startled. I didn't think I'd ever seen this person before. So I said "really?", she said "yeah, you helped me out one time"........I'm trying to figure out in my head what she ment by that. Does she think I sold her drugs? Does she think I gave her a ride somewhere? What is the human talking about. "I did?", "yeah, I was at a gas station and you gave me money, I was trying to get to Columbia"... I always try to help out people when they ask for money, most of the time I figure they are lying about the real reasons they say they need it, but I feel I'm doing my part to help with the downfall of America and helping create a beggers/I deserve it attitude and it makes me feel important. Anyway this girl intriuged me very much. And I figured if she thought I was a nice guy I've already got my foot in the door. Regardless, that this gas station was several miles from my house I felt compelled to return daily at the same time. Eventually, I found out this girls name. Only a few days later I went in at my regular time and she wasn't there another girl was which I'd never seen before. "Does Debbie still work here" I asked, "Yeah, but she's off tonight, she wanted me to let you know that she is quitting soon".......................OK, stop.. what just happened here? I've never seen this girl working here before, how does she know me? How can she be sure I'm the person this message is supposed to be relayed to? Am I a character in a movie that has know idea I'm acting? Am I an open book that everyone knows what's going on with me, but I'm unaware of it?? Did I even give this girl money before??? Well, I figured no matter the truth, I am intrested in this person, and I'm going to take advantage of the situation. The next night I go into the gas station with a letter for the intriguing female with my number attached. If I wasn't so shy I would have known what to say and wouldn't have had to resort to a letter with corney cliches. But that's just not how it is..... I wasn't really surprised but, the next day went by with out a phone call. Later I get a call from the gas station, at this point I am excited, but it wasn't the girl it was a friend of hers. "This is Blah, a friend of Blah,Blah's she would kill me if she knew I was calling you but she won't stop talking about you, I think you should come up here tonight and talk to her. She's to chicken to call herself.", She said "Ok, that's cool, I'll stop by later" I replied. Now, it took all of my nerve to go talk to this person that is showing intrest but I did it anyway. I enjoyed talking to her, but it didn't seem as fun, it wasn't a game anymore. We actually talked face to face as people not as gas station girl and customer boy. Who knows what will happen now, I'll let you know.

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Meeting new people at gas stations.

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