This is a Journal entry by NexusSeven
Thoughts on the new place
NexusSeven Started conversation Oct 28, 2011
It seems a bit quiet around here... Am I used to the pell-mell churn of social networking now, and the prospect of a post or two an hour seems glacial?
Or have lots of people found themselves in a similar position to me - somewhat displaced out of time, seeing (the postings of) internet acquaintances for the first time in years and not really knowing what to say...?
Thoughts on the new place
I'm not really here Posted Oct 28, 2011
Compared to how it's been, it's racing along at the moment.
People I used to talk to a lot have come back, and I'm not sure what to say now either.
Thoughts on the new place
Vip Posted Oct 28, 2011
I remember h2g2 being described to me as the 'world's slowest chat room' when I signed up.
It's also finding the conversations, of course. Once you leave the Front Page it gets harder to find the active places.
On the plus side, quite a few people have signed up to the Journal Writing Month thingumy, so I'm looking forward to reading those when the come along.
Thoughts on the new place
NexusSeven Posted Oct 28, 2011
Yeah, I am hanging around on the info page quite a bit just to see where the most recently active conversations pop up. The more people who comment in a thread, the larger its critical mass and the more personal spaces it pops up on, ergo the more people are likely to stumble on it via friends' personal spaces etc. However, coming late to a thread many pages long (and possibly decades old!!) is very off-putting to a new or returning Researcher, in my experience.
Thoughts on the new place
I'm not really here Posted Oct 29, 2011
I've been here the whole time, and coming back to a thread I'm in and it's moved on 3 pages is disheartening!
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Thoughts on the new place
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