This is a Journal entry by NexusSeven
Blast from the past
NexusSeven Started conversation Oct 19, 2008
This feels like I'm stepping back in time 5 years... No, longer than that, even.
I hope that anyone who still has my username friended (or whatever the appropriate term used to be...) doesn't get too big a shock!
I'm doing pretty well, working nights for a media monitoring agency in London, and living in a shoebox flat with my girlfriend near Ally Pally. I'm currently learning to rollerskate with a view to playing roller derby, which has proven a particularly painful endeavour thus far - already sprained my wrist and dislocated my shoulder in the 8 or so weeks I've been doing it, and I have a gloriously colourful bruise on my bottom. Which is nice. Ahem.
Anyway, I'm here on a whim to check the old place out, so please don't get the idea that this might be the start of more to come... I'm much more usually found on Livejournal or F*ceb**k. But not Myspace, as Myspace is a pile of old cobblers.
Blast from the past
Vip Posted Oct 19, 2008
Heya you. I'm still kicking about (as you knew I probably would be). Don't know how many others are.
Blast from the past
Vip Posted Oct 23, 2008
Well, I did get married two weeks past if that's what you mean. Thanks, m'dear.
How are things with you? Any more bruises of late?
Blast from the past
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Oct 30, 2008
Blast from the past
NexusSeven Posted Nov 10, 2008
Bruises? Mmm, not really, thankfully. A lot of falling over (this rollerskating lark is difficult), but sans bruising, thankfully. Otherwise generally pretty good, although life has become something of a repeating cycle of late. Ho hum; when I get bored enough I'll just do something random (like with the rollerskating) and kick a hole in my routine...
KerrAvon - great to see a name I recognise still knocking about! I hope you're well.
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Blast from the past
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