This is a Journal entry by NexusSeven
Note to Self
NexusSeven Started conversation May 4, 2001
When Subediting someone else's entry, fer gawd's sake *do it properly*.
The last lot you did were bleedin' *awful*!
And let that be a lesson to you!
Note to Self
I'm not really here Posted May 9, 2001
Now I'm worried.
I don't know when you want to look at my project, when it's all done, or as I do the articles, but here's the link to the index page.
I've done 2 so far, and got at least one more in a text editor somewhere.
Only a few to go, although I might change my mind and decide not to do one of them.
Note to Self
NexusSeven Posted May 9, 2001
Please don't be worried! That was just me being cross with myself for rushing a couple of entries through, one of which was *huge*, the other I wasn't particularly happy about the entry itself and would have rewritten the whole thing if I thought I coul get away with it. In the end, I just got annoyed with both of them and sent them back a little too soon, and so when they were added by Anna or Sam or whoever, I thought I'd done a poor job.
It's more of an memo so that I don't cut any corners in future when subbing, so rest assured yours will be in good hands, even if I do say so myself.
I have actually had a brief glance at what you've done so far, and it's looking good. If you want me to check them out one by one or as a job-lot, either would be cool.
Note to Self
I'm not really here Posted May 9, 2001
You'll get your pay docked if you're not careful!
I don't really mind how you look at them, although as I am trying to make them all look as similar as possible it might be useful if you let me know of any mistakes I am making so far so that I don't repeat them in all the entries. Sometimes I'm not sure what headings to put things under. Which is why I end up with such rubbish ones half the time.
Note to Self
NexusSeven Posted May 9, 2001
Well, I'd start off putting all your headers in the tags, and only use the tags when you need to split a topic area into subdivisions.
Brackets and footnotes should if possible be put into parenthetical commas, like this, as it makes the clauses sound more like part of the sentence, if you know what I mean.
Hope this helps.
Note to Self
I'm not really here Posted May 9, 2001
I've changed the subheaders to headers, and put subheader where it was bold before, it looks better actually. Thanks.
That last sentence I'm really not sure what you're talking about, can you give me an example from one of my entries? That might help. Either that, or in "left school at 16" language please.
Note to Self
NexusSeven Posted May 10, 2001
Where you've put something in brackets (like this), see if you can get rid of the brackets and use commas, like this, as it reads better.
How's that?
A couple of other points; use '...' instead of "..."; there was one typo in the Pigalle entry - it's Moulin, not Moulen.
Note to Self
I'm not really here Posted May 10, 2001
That's much better, now I have more of a clue what's going on. Thanks. I'll try to find time tomorrow. And
at embarrassing spelling mistake. Tch.
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Note to Self
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