This is a Journal entry by Mdy H20s

Quirkyalones: A Personality Type for the 20th Century and Beyond

Post 1

Mdy H20s

The latest edition of Unte Reader contains an article in which the author, Sasha Cagen, describes herself as a "quirkyalone." A quirkyalone is someone who is deeply single, almost never in a relationship, and wonders if perhaps they are weird. Puzzle pieces who seldom fit with other puzzle pieces ... romantics ... idealists ... eccentrics.

By force of their personalities and inner strengths, they are rebels who have no patience for dating just for the sake of not being alone. There is a bittersweet fondness for silence and those nights alone. Being a quirkalone can be difficult --- they are only about five percent of the population.

But they are also free. No one can take their lives away by breaking up with them, and they are not forced to sacrifice for that one all-consuming individual.

The article lists (among others), these obvious candidates for this classification:

Katharine Hepburn;
James Baldwin;
Sandra Bernhardt; and,
Ally McBeal.

But there must be more truly independent spirits ... somewhere out there.

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Quirkyalones: A Personality Type for the 20th Century and Beyond

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