This is a Journal entry by Mdy H20s

Doggie Present

Post 1

Mdy H20s

I just went outside to check on my flowers and found an unpleasant gift lying on one of my lily plants. A dog dropping. YUCK! This happens quite frequently because I live on a corner in a neighborhood where lots of people walk their dogs. Unfortunately, my city does not have a "pooper scooper" ordinance, so it's perfectly legal for animals to do their business anywhere they like and leave it there, just as long as they're on a leash.

I guess the cute but explicit signs I visibly posted near the places where most offenses occur did not help. (I left them up for a few weeks and then removed them so as not to be too obnoxious ...)

I guess it's time to get civic minded and contact my city councilor. Maybe the timing is right to finally get a law passed so people will pick up after their pets!

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Doggie Present

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