This is a Journal entry by There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Back in Time for Dinner

Post 41

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Maybe they didn't overdo how grim things were in the late 50s...

I had a sound clip on my PC years ago - it was the last few minutes of an episode of Thinking Allowed on Radio 4. It was an extract from a film called Morning in the Streets

I haven't been able to find it for ages until just now, on an old hard drive smiley - biggrin So I did a little YouTube search, and it's there The sound clip I have is the story about the budgie that comes in at around 25m 20s. Dear Bob, that woman reminds me of a few of my aunts, and she'd have been about the same age.

I guess it's supposed to be all about Liverpool, and I can see the tower of the Anglican cathedral in some shots, but a lot of those accents aren't Scouse, and the woman lighting the range and talking about someone going off to war mentions Tommy Ducks, a famous (and demolished) pub in Manchester.

It brought back an awful lot of memories of early 60s Liverpool for me though smiley - bigeyes

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