This is a Journal entry by There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Am I off my rocker?

Post 1

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Things have just got intensely busy at work, to the point where I worked 60 hours last week; may well work 50 this week, and for the next three or four weeks. My shift pattern, and therefore my sleep pattern, is all over the place. I don't actually have a sleep pattern, to be honest. Or much sleep.

So today, when I get a call from someone at one of the local breweries (it's Live Oak, if you were wondering, BG), whose anniversary party I've helped out at for the past couple of years, says this year's party is on Saturday - *this* Saturday - and asks me if I'd like to pour beer again for them, why did I say "Hell yes!", knowing that I'm working midnight to 8am on Friday night/Saturday morning?

I must be soft in the head smiley - headhurts Sleep deprivation must have robbed me of all reason smiley - facepalm

Am I off my rocker?

Post 2

Baron Grim

You'll answer that question for yourself Sunday morning.

smiley - cheers

Am I off my rocker?

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Or possibly Saturday evening when I (once again) wake up at 3am on the sofa, then have to go to bed and try to go back to sleep smiley - yawn It's a good thing I have Sunday off smiley - biggrin Well, fact is I wouldn't have said yes if I had to work Sunday.

I just heard on the radio though that there could be some severe storms on Friday and Saturday so there's a chance it might be postponed.

Am I off my rocker?

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Now I know I'm losing my marbles. I've agreed to work extra hours Saturday morning smiley - headhurts

It sort of works out better cos leaving at 8am, which would mean getting home at around 9.30, then leaving again three and a half hours later to go to Live Oak would be a right royal pain in the fundament. It's only a short distance from work - a mere five minute bus ride.

Four hour-long bus journeys on Cap Metro in less than 20 hours is more than even the most resolute and strong-willed character could possibly stand smiley - headhurts

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