This is a Journal entry by Dolores_Fudge

October Bank Holiday

Post 1


Day off today as it is the last Bank Holiday before [insert 'C' word here]; it's cold and sunny so definitely autumn. Am about to go out and drive through my area, just to see that everything is as it should be; no calls received so it must be OK. On the way back I will happen to stop at one of the new service areas and have a cup of coffee; I've just started the final "Martin Beck" book and am torn between getting stuck in, and knowing that there are no more; I'll take it with me and read it over my coffee.

I bought some plants for the garden last week - asked the nice chap at the garden centre for stuff even I couldn't kill, so we will see whether he was right or not.

Still cycling - went out on a new route last night and managed to get all the way round (about 4 miles) without stopping - a major achievement for someone who has chronic asthma and has only got back to cycling in the last two weeks after a 3 year break. I won't be resting on my laurels - will be out again later today and every day until the weather stops me. It is lovely to have some energy again.

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October Bank Holiday

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