This is a Journal entry by Freddie

Journal Entries

Post 1


I don't do Journal Entries. This is the first one I'm not going to do. And therefore probably the last.

Journal Entries

Post 2

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

Why not? smiley - steam
Snowman smiley - snowman!

Journal Entries

Post 3


Re "Why not?"
Just look at the last date and then this one! Just too far apart to make any sense really.
I suppose this comment is OK since it is not a journal entry. Nice of you to comment though.

Tell me how do you get the Smiley Face with steam coming from the ears? All I know are "smiley - smiley" this sort.

Regards, TTFN


Journal Entries

Post 4

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

Well if you write steam between < and > you get smiley - steam. For more smileys goto where there are well other a hundred.

Snowman smiley - snowman

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