This is a Journal entry by Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes

Journal day 3

Post 1


I will be working on my computer program today. This involves something mathematical that would seem to render base ten rather special, if a certain hypothesis that I won't state here turns out to be true. It,s connected to the fact that (365+1/4)^4 has sums of digits of the numerator and denominator equal to each other (13).

Journal day 3

Post 2


In point of fact, I have already allowed myself to digress today quite a bit, it being just before 10PM. Since my day started well after noon, I can still get something substantial done on the program (which I was already well along with when I started here at hootoo).

Journal day 3

Post 3


Well, it's just my usual procrastinating bull. Now I have so much I've promised to do that it may be till next year.smiley - wah

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