This is a Journal entry by Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes
Journal day 2
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Started conversation Jul 25, 2009
Click on my conversation (my statement to Toy Box) "I stumbled upon..." (above)
Journal day 2
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Jul 25, 2009
As a scratch pad, right now:
Seventeen billion, seven hundred and ninety-seven million, five hundred and seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred and thirty-two; and nineteen million, one hundred and forty thousand, six hundred and twenty-five one hundred millionths
234 keystrokes, the first 128 of which are from the whole part.
Maybe a little something.
Journal day 2
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Jul 27, 2009
Posts 42351-42367 and Posts 42390 and 42391 of "What's Just Happened?" are interesting for this day.
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Journal day 2
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