This is a Journal entry by oldpinkdog, Counselor of Alcoholic Culture Jammers(Banging their heads against the wall of willful ignorance)


Post 1

oldpinkdog, Counselor of Alcoholic Culture Jammers(Banging their heads against the wall of willful ignorance)

I work in a Greek restaurant where we serve mostly Greek and Italian dishes. Tonight a woman ordered baked spaghetti with meat sauce for delivery, and when she received the delivery, she found a meatball in the pasta. She called the restaurant in a fury, saying that there was a meatball in her spaghetti, and what were we going to do about it? Well she had gotten her meatsauce with a free meatball besides. This would be a good thing, right? Noway, Jose! She lost it. Meatballs, it seems, are disgusting. THey make her want to vomit. Perhaps they even scare her, the repressed and neurotic bitch. Some traumatic childhood meatball experience no doubt. Oh the horror! I see dead meatballs. Meatballs Meatballs Meatballs MEATBALLS! aaaaaAAAHHHHHHH!!!!So we give her a new spaghetti, delivered for free. Of all the stupid insignificant things to get upset about. It was not like we plopped a severed testicle from a freshly castrated horse on her plate. Now that wouold be a traumatic experience, although not for some women. Maybe she's had too many balls resting on her chin in her life....

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