This is a Journal entry by kabads
Sleepless nights
kabads Started conversation Oct 14, 2000
Well, next entry, and I've got a feeling that these will get smaller and smaller, which disappoints me! This is due to the lack of time that we're experiencing. Everything now is on hold as far as our needs are concerned, as Joe and Zak are numero uno (tiems two!).
It's still as great as I'd hoped. They are smiling loads now and making me feel absolutely wonderful when I come home from work. I get all excited in the car driving back - wondering what sort of a day the three of them have had.
We've had to buy a new washing machine, as the old one that we bought for a fiver was on the blink. When it took us on, it didn't expect to be bombarded with re-usable nappies everynight and so, went on a bit of a strike, as it would stop half way through a programme!
We're also now experiencing the boys being awake much more! They go to sleep well in the evenings but stay awake a lot more during the day - hence they need more attention.
I'd better go now - as they're still awake now.
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Sleepless nights
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