This is a Journal entry by kabads
What it's like to be the parent of twins - so far!
kabads Started conversation Aug 26, 2000
Well, it's a month into being twins and I think Im sort of in a good position to say what it has been like so far. Also, the boys could get to read this when they are old enough (if I write it on a piece of paper, it will get lost).
So, here goes. I love it! I love it! It is extremely hard work, especially during the night, when I imagine most dads go back to sleep after the initial interruption. But, because of the two, Joseph and Isaac, I am in the driving seat, having to change the nappies and give the feeds.
I am already beginning to love the interactions with the boys. They gurgle at the right times and know when they want a cuddle. And, as soon as they get the cuddle, they are content again. That is a really satisfying feeling, having them content because of something you did.
I want Joseph and Isaac to know that they have both made our lives incredibly happier, with their arrival. I want them to know that they are completely loved and cherished and I can't wait till they start to learn new things.
In sum, it is the best feeling I have ever experienced, and I feel like the happiest man alive!
Adam - the proud dad.
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What it's like to be the parent of twins - so far!
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