This is a Journal entry by YourEnormity
My Foot Hurts.
YourEnormity Posted Jun 3, 2000
...or is it the one that's next to the one that isn't the one that's hurting? Now my head hurts.
My Foot Hurts.
Unicorn Posted Jun 3, 2000
As long as it's not the one that wasn't hurting before the other one started hurting I think you'll be fine.
Now my head's hurting. I think more drugs may be called for at this point!
My Foot Hurts.
Unicorn Posted Jun 5, 2000
You were obviously distracted from the persuit of higher things by the excessive pain in your pedal extremity!
My Foot Hurts.
YourEnormity Posted Jun 11, 2000
We could spend the rest of our lives having this conversation. Anyway, my foot doesn't hurt anymore.
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My Foot Hurts.
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