This is a Journal entry by AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")


Post 1

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

My first "proper" guide entry has just been recommended by a scout, which I believe signals the first step in the long, "Brazil" -esque process of ENTERING THE EDITED GUIDE!
smiley - biggrin
Please have a look at it yourselves and tell me what you think: A13080197 .

Although probably no one will actually read this...


Post 2


I read it! but then I've already commented (probably to the point where you dread seeing my name on a postsmiley - winkeye)

Well done!


Post 3

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

I don't dread seeing your name on a post, Rocky. I always enjoy having something to use as target practice. smiley - tongueincheek


Post 4


smiley - cheers

smiley - winkeye

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