This is a Journal entry by Alan the gribbly
Alan the gribbly Started conversation May 13, 2000
I can't wait for the good old Eurovision song contest tonight. My friends and I have been having parties for years. The best way to endure the whole 2 hours, or however long it is, is to get some food in, and then create your own scorecards. We always have a few catagories: song, singer, style points, and eurovisioness for example. Then we do the phone vote for the one with the highest score.
I also advise putting subtitles on if you've got ceefax, because they translate the songs into English, and some of them are REALLY weird.
I'm thinking about writing an entry on A Clockwork Orange, and the Nadsat used in it. That'll mean actually getting off my behind to find a Russian dictionary, but I think it'll be worth it...
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