This is a Journal entry by Extraali


Post 1


So GW is closing.

Sayonara Wonder Weavers!

I probably won't be posting anything else on the site - but I will check in from time to time - so if you want to get in touch leave a message and I'll get back to you. I'll still be reading and reviewing from time to time (especially my favourites - you know who you are).

A big thanks to everyone who critted my writing - and thanks to everyone whose work I have read.




Post 2


Did I miss something? Is it closing sooner than we thought? Where to find your stuff and those of the others I have enjoyed? Yanni!!!!



Post 3

The Dude Abides

Woah there!!

I'm sorry you've taken all your work off the site. I really enjoy it and don't like the thought of never seeing it again. I'm really interested in seeing more about 'The Network', I think you've come up with a truly great idea there.

If GW is still around if/when you find somewhere else to post your stuff, woulf you let me know where to look?

smiley - grovel



Post 4


Hey Dude,

Thanks for your encouragement. I think most people are moving to the Writer's Dock when this place closes, and I think shall too - but when the dust settles (I'm moving house at the moment so I haven't been up to much writing recently) and I get round to putting more stuff down on paper.
The next 'Network' story may well be about altruistic removal men, interior design consultants, and bill sorter outers!!!smiley - biggrin

Cheers Dude,



Post 5


hey again Dude

Here's a little story of mine you may have missed - its not about the network, but I hope you like it


smiley - ok

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