Who am I?

BMI is a native of Dublin who was raised by wolves on the slopes of the Liffey Valley. Rescued from a mudslide one day by itinerant carpet sellers he spent the next ten years of his life learning to speak English and to weave carpets. It was during the latter part of this formative period of his life that his penchant for the hospitality industry first became evident. Many were the cold winter nights when he would arrive back to his tent after a long day on the dusty roads of Tallaght or Clondalkin with two or three strangers in tow. He would insist on plying them with alcoholic beverages and invariably these lost and lonely females would agree to spend the night.

Having identified his innate ability to be hospitable and turn a profit, BMI set out to conquer the world. Several weeks later, he was returned to Dublin having failed in his attempt to invade Cornwall, which he had mistaken for a small tropical island. His initial plan to establish a secret underground lair from which to plot world dominance while surrounded by scantily clad women thwarted he turned his attention to Galway and further education.

Several years and more than a dozen close shaves later BMI graduated much to the relief of the College authorities.

Once more his thoughts turned to world domination and despite a minor deviation into the world of hotels and Front Office Management he finally found his island in the sun, although in a metaphysical sense rather than in any real sense of the phrase. BMI had discovered Irish theme pubs. Here at last was his opportunity to brain wash a large part of the world’s population.

Since then, despite governmental counter ploys in the form of high taxation and archaic building and licensing laws, BMI has continued to excel in his chosen field and he has a long list of the people whose lives he has destroyed and whose marriages he has wrecked by inducing them to “have one for the road”. He is currently planning on adding droves of scantily clad women to his portfolio.

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Closedown Feb 15, 2005 Feb 20, 2005
Howsitgoin' Feb 7, 2005 No Replies


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