This is a Journal entry by Shaggy

ok i've browsed but...

Post 1


I can't figure out how to join in a discussion from this friggin WAP phone, HELP!

ok i've browsed but...

Post 2

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Looks as though you made a post 8 hours ago in a forum called "Tommorrow's World #2". How did you do that?


ok i've browsed but...

Post 3


From a computer! I can read from the WAP phone but don't seem to be able to write as yet? Hopefully the powers that be will make this an option soon?

ok i've browsed but...

Post 4


Hi Shaggy,

did you ever figure out what you was doing on your phone? ive just got a new 1 with WAP on it smiley - bleep if i know how it works though lol ive browsed but it seems a bit smiley - bleep to me..tried sending a txt to someone in my 'mobile phonebook' earlier, it sent the persons number to them and nothing else! as yet i can only reply to incoming but i cant send any some good games on it though, can actually play 1 of those aswell lol

smiley - fullmoon

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