This is a Journal entry by Number Six

Glastonbury Memories

Post 1

Number Six

Just scribbling down a few moments that are springing to mind from the last few days - because if I don't do it soon (or now) I'm going to forget them.

Top Ten Festival Moments (in no particular order except chronological)
1) Arriving late on Wednesday night and hearing the spontaneous waves of cheers travelling around the camping fields because everyone was just so excited to be there.
2) Waking up after five hours of torrential rain on Friday morning and finding a 15-foot wide river had suddenly come into being and neatly divided the hill we were camped on (we were in the wrong half).
3) The feeling you get hearing the first band on Friday that you really enjoy - this year it was The Zutons.
4) Realising that certain puddles were so deep the water came over the top of my Doc Martens and flooded them.
5) Stumbling along from the Dance Arena back to our tents via The Other Stage singing 'Rockaway Beach' at the tops of our voices.
6) The amazing relief and comfort when, after one and a half days of trudging through the mud with wet feet inside wet boots, you get to the Millets stall and they've just had a delivery of wellies in your size.
7) Everyone getting together above the Pyramid Stage in the baking Sunday sunshine to watch Brian Wilson prove to be the Genuine Article.
8) Finally getting inside the Dance Tent East halfway through Mylo's set after spending ages on the way in hemmed in tightly by a mass of bodies - and then realising that once you were in, there *was* enough room to dance. You can't half bust some moves in those Wellingtons...
9) Going up to Lost Vagueness when the bands were finished on Sunday night and discovering that the three of the four venues were offering a Ska night, a Soul night, and an Eastern European Polka Band. Result!
10) A beautiful sunrise, as seen from the Stone Circle at 4.30 on Monday morning.

smiley - mod

Glastonbury Memories

Post 2

Number Six

And what with all that, I forgot my all-time favourite Glastonbury moment ever...

At the said Ska night on Sunday night (and bear in mind it was about one in the morning by now) I'd just finished watching The Beat play their third set of the festival, enjoyed it hugely, and failed to find the friends that some more of my friends had sent me in to try and find.

So I went out of the big tent, and found that while I'd been watching The Beat my friends outside the tent had moved on elsewhere.

Which left me on my own, but seeing as it was all so friendly I wasn't particularly bothered. The DJ was playing a good mix of stuff between bands, and there were people of all sizes and shapes and ages dancing there - and not just in groups with their mates like you usually do, there were quite a few random people just having fun on their own like I was. So I went back in there.

Thus it came to pass that I (clad in a yellow classic Adidas t-shirt with green stripes across the shoulder and optional stylish mud spatterings, black shorts, and wellies with go-faster red-and-white striped tape across the tops) came to be dancing by the front of the stage next to some hippy geezer well into his fifties (sporting a grey beard and hair down past his shoulders, plus a paisley shirt and embroidered trousers).

Oh yeah, and we were both pogoing to 'London's Burning' by The Clash.

It brought a smile to the faces of lots of the people around us - most of all us! Solidarity, brothers and sisters...

smiley - mod

Glastonbury Memories

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Y'know, sometimes I really miss the UK smiley - bigeyes

Glastonbury Memories

Post 4

Researcher 556780

Me too..sorry bit of a belated response...being doing stuff and missions and the like.

smiley - rainbow

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