This is a Journal entry by Number Six
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It seems people don't go on forever, sadly
Number Six Posted Jun 30, 2005
I've decided I'm going to drive to Italy as a kind of memorial to Jim
There was a way that he always used to drive to Italy, over the Petit St Bernard Pass and stopping off at Aosta, at the top of the Vallee d'Aoste as soon as you get into Italy.
When we first tried driving to Italy (back in about 2001, with my Italian ex and my mate Rob) we went in my old Transit campervan, which wasn't up to tackling the Alps, so we went round by the coast. But I was always quite keen on going to Italy Jim's way, and when I saw him before he died I asked him about it again, and told him I was going to do it.
And I've booked the time off work and one of my housemates is going to come with me
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It seems people don't go on forever, sadly
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