This is a Journal entry by Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Days so Far

Post 1

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Since my summer vacation at home is almost over I decided to use this last day to record what I did this week.

Last week nothing much except going to the cinema to see Fantastic Four movie with three friends, very fun.

Sodit: relaxed and caught up on sleep

Wimpy: looked up more colleges, went to the library

Wibble: downloaded msn messenger, talked with friends, Role Played
In chatting with one person we made up our first word due to a typo very late into the night *kaughs* is therefore a polite laugh masked by a cough, usually found in embarrassing situations that one finds amusing or awfully entertaining if she is not the one who is mortified.

Thing: finished re-reading The Other Wind, debated about colleges, asked for advise on getting rid of computer viruses (antivirus), packed

I have had to pack:
A towel
A lot of bulky sweaters because though the airconditioning were not the equivalent of the the freezer, it was very close to icy atmosphere at the school. Started piling laundry.
Blast! I was going to leave my watch behind but then I realised the University would not have the bells I was conditioned for in High School so in went my alarm clock and my pillows. Into the duffel bag also went the mp3, though I left the batteries out to recharge, the purse and its many items (Student ID, Debit Card, Receipts, spare change, highlighter, other writing utensils, and yes my friends a roll of tape)
Governor School advised us to bring swimsuits and raincoats.
The rest of the space reserved for last-minute miscellaneous such as the toothbrush, swimsuit, waterbottle, calculator, proper shoes to go with the dress for the formal dinner on the last day, Fool's Fate and other books, though I had to leave the hardcover Wheel of Time books behind.
I then started to panic because my clothes in the wash dried and as folded each one I finally stuffed everything in, including jackets and scarves in the pouch of my new backpack, all the while wishing for Hogwarts house elfs to clean for this young mistress, since they would have risen to the occasion much better.
Tired, I fell asleep on the blankets and sheets I was supposed to have packed (I was grateful the Admin did not require us to drag our mattresses as well)

Poet's Day: shopped, sweltered, emailed
Shopping was hot. With the air conditioner on inside I had forgotten that it was Summer out, but the sun [grr, Yellow Face] would not let me forget as it beamed upon my dark hair and clothing. Three hours of walking and waiting for the bus and finally I, with the newly purchased notebook, hair clips, scrunchies and socks. If only I can persuade Dobby to leave Dumbledore's service for my new pairs of socks, since cross-country had ruined most of my old pairs.

I love the cold because you can always cover up or snuggle into a hottub but the heat outside drives me nuts.

Plans for the final day before going to the Uni: return all Library books, since they are out for 3 weeks and I will be boarding 4 before heading over to my grandparents' home, for the family is on (business) vacation in China (my two requests for them to bring back are my pretty green harmonica which I regret leaving behind in our house at Nanjing and a plain handkerchief, after reminding my sister so often I'm certain that the objects are, if not permanantly engraved in her brainwaves, at least memorable) in the meantime while I slave over the sciences. Right now I feel anxious about leaving my twin for an entire month; it is the first time my older sister will be separated from me for so long, if I go mad at the school, as is my conviction, we'll know why.

Really though I am highly pleased to have this opportunity to pursue studies in the science field, especially I look forward to the neuorobiology elective offered at governor school. Ending on this more optimistic note, I hope the end of Summer will be smooth.

Days so Far

Post 2

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

...packing...smiley - ill...I wonder how long I can procrastonate on it before I have to leave for higher education at a lower altitude......anywho...hopefully they'll have wireless internet access installed by the time I go

Days so Far

Post 3

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

You would be surprised [awed] by the power of procrastination. smiley - tongueout

I am in the same state about the Internet, right now all that is certain is that I do have Doobry afternoons free. Cheers.

Days so Far

Post 4

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

...pair of scissors, roll of duct tape, coffee mug and a towel..there you have the essentials...

and it´s less stuff to move around when you leave for uni, than you´ll probably have for the forthcoming movings...

...I had a gazillion of things when I left home... Mum seemed to be quite sure there were no available supplies of anything outside our tiny little hometown...

smiley - dragon

Days so Far

Post 5

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

I know I'm only taking four of which is an intro to meteorlogy(which'll be fun), another is basically a class about something that closely resembles the topic of a paper I once wrote for a class (the paper was answering the question "Is science a religion" or something like that), another is an english class...and I'm overly prepared for that...and then I have calc...which I may have some trouble with as I haven't done that sort of math for over a I'll have plenty of spare time to do - paint dry...and grass grow...

Days so Far

Post 6

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

...don't forget a computer...

Days so Far

Post 7


Hardcover Wheel of Time, I wouldn't pack that either. It would require several large and inconvenient office buildings to transport! Love the series though!!!

Sounds like you've been quite busy, I'll have to remember Kaughs, sounds convenient smiley - winkeye

You are a Twin? thats too cool smiley - cool I've always been facinated by your lot smiley - biggrin

Where art thou being schooled? someplace cold I gather.
I'm sure you've been over this many a time, but I've been too caught up in myself to notice.
neuorobiology huh? Well your geting enough practice with headcases around here, I'd guess the former is about the same, only smaller smiley - dontpanic

Days so Far

Post 8

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

...this place would be a psychology researcher's paradice...

Days so Far

Post 9


All you need is a toothbrush....oh and of course a smiley - towel

Days so Far

Post 10

Researcher 208776

Don't forget the trusty smiley - spork!

Days so Far

Post 11


smiley - spork s bring funny memories to mind smiley - bigeyes

Days so Far

Post 12

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*cracks a smile* I'm at the school now and I must be rather crazy myself to miss you guys. smiley - tongueout

Days so Far

Post 13


Miss us? Miss us you say?
Well we miss you too!smiley - towel You're so far away...over there...wherever you are....pretty far, idn'it?
Seriously though, isn't the web nice?smiley - ok won't get homesick? smiley - erm

Days so Far

Post 14

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

...this site's how I'm keeping in touch with evilclaw...and I have a weather buff buddy and we email each other constantly about the weather...especially durring hurricane season...

Days so Far

Post 15


hey Elwyn are you in gang at school? I was, and we very naughty in an English sort of way. Our favourite trick was to start humming in lessons. Because our mouths were closed teachers never knew who was doing it......I still laugh now when I remember some of those fusty old fashioned teachers flying into a rage. smiley - laugh

Days so Far

Post 16

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

In my spanish class we had several weeks where our spanish orals were taking place...therefore we had a sub as the teacher was overseeing the one really liked this sub as she would demand that we be absolutely order to spite her what we did was everytime someone would leave the classroom or enter the classroom we'd clap for a couple of minutes (literally...they we're long gone by the time we'd stop) and it didn't matter what they were doing...going to the restroom...anything...when the orals ended we didn't stop clapping...and we continued this till the end of the year...oddly enough ours was the only class that did this even though the people in my class would do the same thing in english class(although usually it was only for the orals as we liked the teacher more)...another thing we did to anoy the sub was someone had a machine that had a remote which, when pressed, the machine would make a farting we stuck it in the tissue box and everytime someone would get a tissue or something someone would press the button...smiley - laugh

Days so Far

Post 17

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

I'm back, well sort of ... er, this is the second time I've made it through to h2g2, the computers seem a bit... unstable here. *takes smiley - towel* I just did the 30 hour famine! Tell you all about it later, dearies.

PS Dragonqueen and Supermoo smiley - laugh

Days so Far

Post 18

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness were offline for 30 hours!...what stamina!...

Days so Far

Post 19


Hopefully your fast after the 30 hour famine was truely legendary! smiley - vampire

Days so Far

Post 20


smiley - biggrin Elwyn you said 'dearies' in post 17. You have true potential to be quaintly English and old fashioned. What a smiley - cool chick you are!

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