This is a Journal entry by Thursday

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 1


Go to A3314161 to pick up your copy - now updated monthly smiley - biggrin

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 2

Dr. Megabite

smiley - run

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 3


Do you plan to create an advent calendar as well? smiley - bigeyessmiley - reindeersmiley - santa

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 4


Maybe... smiley - biggrin

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 5

Dr. Megabite


The Calendar is Back!!

Post 6


A6422177 - but no links yet!

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 7


smiley - somersault So pretty! smiley - santasmiley - reindeersmiley - snowman

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 8


The links have been added now... smiley - biggrin

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 9


I know... I was peeking! smiley - blush

The Calendar is Back!!

Post 10



Well everyone else can peek now - I've put up the Christmassy banner on the main page smiley - tongueout

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